Friday, 31 October 2008
;o_o;hais...okay then short post,gonna try to change me skin,this skin long time no change already hor...
Thursday, 30 October 2008
30 october,Thursday
morning wake up as usual then go school...then STRESS,then after that recess,play STRESS again,then go for MT then play again??LOLX,nowadays its like whole day play,but not always need to learn things,we need to learn more things to strenghten our weaknesses to help us in secondary??LOLx...then after that we play P.E,then play giant volleyball, called,then after that play soccer with that giant ball???LOLX,how to kick???then after that Mr Yeo,afternoon session de larhs,came in say must stop??hais...then Mr Chao say latest 12.30!!YAY.then after that Mr Yeo coming in,haha,lucky got one student ask him something??LOLX,whatever larhs!then go field play,play Rugby(spelling think so,hehe)then the soccer,and got one game,but no name de...hahax.ok then after that go home then nothing play club penguin awhile boring,everybody can't play with Hello!Today is today which is
31 October,Friday
morning the old same thing...then got the talk on the secondary thingies larhs...go class play,then recess,then play captain ball awhile only larhs...then go back class,then go ask Mr Chao something about the secondary report thing,he said that he NEVER say that Fatimah is useless...okay...i believed,coz teachers won't lie right???But then is it Fatimah lie??ooooorrrrrr Fatimah mistooken what Mr Chao said,hahax...the detective girl is on a mission...lolx,lame...But still wanna say sorry to Mr Chao again...maybe i really mistooken it...(chinese)wo tai chong dong le =(,but then Fatimah said that the captain ball group heard it??aiya not so sure,but of coz lah,i not blame Mr Chao for everything...i also must blame me also right?hahax...coz i very rash then go and post,hais...SORRY Mr Chao,I'm gonna find the truth out,maybe its Mr Chao maybe its Fatimah,aiya so confused about this matter,ok,i'm gonna let this matter rest,but the thing is i'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry sorry sorry sorry towards Mr Chao,he looked so innocent,k lahs,maybe no one is in the wrong,as i said no one in this world is perfect to do everything right.Mr Chao,(chinese)ni fang xin!wo hui edit wo de post de,okay ma??^^okay,then back to me life,then steph and i chat chat,then after that play that 'lamb chop' game with Glen,walao,he cheat de lorhs!!!
BYE!I'm so sorry Mr Chao,i didn't hear it from you on the spot,then go and post,i have learnt a lesson from here!^^Thanks!
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Elo!Today also very fun larhs,hahax^^
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Monday, 27 October 2008
HI!!and aa elo??hahax.LOLx!
Sunday, 26 October 2008
hi..nothing much lately.

Saturday, 25 October 2008
You Glad I Glad =)
Friday, 24 October 2008
today at school laugh like siao ding dong de...
OK then,Thats all FOLKS!~~~
Thursday, 23 October 2008
HI!Today was okays okays...
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Elo!very excited!!
Tomorrow go Little India!So excited!!So many activities after exams!!^^YAY SEE YA!!
Umph sorry again very long,hehe...
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Yay!Tomorrow is audition for east spring got talent!Woooohoooooo!!!!!
Sunday, 19 October 2008

Friday, 17 October 2008
elo lahs yaya...
Short post,you glad i glad^^
Elo today many things happened...(long post)
Elo!Here to post again??(duhhs of coz lah,abo??)today 10am+ wake up straigth away go bathe,but sometimes like this only lahs,coz today be punctual mahs...or not like normal day wake up go back to sleep,cannot sleep???watch TV luhss...then get ready me accesories everything lurhss...o ok,haven't tell you guys what i gonna do right??LOLX~~~i going to Jalan Raya...Fatimah,Faezza,Nisa,Mariam,Stephanie & ME go...then go Tampinese Mart clock tower wait,then saw Mariam,i did not know that she was going too??ok then nevermind,the more the merrier...then wait,then Stephanie came,then Fatimah and Nisa came,lastly Faezza came.She must wait for the bus very long luhs...can't blame her okays!!!Don't you ever dare to blame her!!!LOLX...okay,then go to Sharifah house(think so ba the spelling)i was like*wow*???So many people so crowded but of coz its our friends,got 6h,6F,6J,6k(think so,the rest if i forget really so sorry!!)then decided to go together,then wah,so many people,13 people lehs...then after that go to shairah's(spelling think so...sorry)house,6F ones...Faezza need to change coins for her bus so go in seven-eleven,the we see Hui Min and Charmaine(spelling think so)at there,then we all say hi!!then i go in got one guy the seven eleven worker give us their new product of mash potato,then Nisa take she try don't like,i try i also don't like,it taste abit of curry??then on the way,Fatimah told me that got one secondary boy looking at me leg??she said that i kanna(malay) indirectly molested??i was like*huh?*with my blurr sotong face??then i nevermind lorhs...then go to amirah's house,6H ones...tell you lorhs,her house is like 'huang gong'(chinese) lorhs... then actually wanna go to shirrin's house,eeee,spelling think so??then we go seperate ways...then go to Stephanie house,although she's chinese,but we welcome her okays!!we go to her house coz we RESPECT her but of coz we respect alls lahs,not only her??...then go to my house,wohoo!sorry ahs,no kueh kueh to eat larhs,all finish lerhs...then i serve water...then finish then go to Fatimah's house,then at there eat,then go to Nisa's house,tell you lorhs,her house so spacious,its so big??its like got two hall lehs??then her family going to Night Safari,so good!!!then go back lorhss...then change shirt,then now come pose lah huh??medium medium lahs,not too long not too short^^
You Glad,I Glad^^
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
So happy so happy!!
Example of another glitter words:

Me class Is the best!!
So-So~~~many things happened today~~~
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Very happy and saddy today...[][][]
Today medium.You Glad I Glad =)
Monday, 13 October 2008
Feel like puking...
Elo,sry long time no posty
(hehe,boastful here,scared my shortcut too deep,u all don understand)....
My natural smile pics!!( called,hehe)
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Sorry,no idendification is revealed=)
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
DaMn BoRiNg~~~~
That's all folks!
Sweety Time!!!I miss my computer!Muacks!!!
haiss...its ok,i mean it not ok to fail my exam(touch wood touch wood)...