Especially for those teachers whom inspired and amazed me. Thank you.
Hellos. Sorry for not posting for such a long time. My postings are getting lesser and lesser each day, right? Right. On the weekend i went to Grandma's house. Baby Dini is there. Played with her. Played with cousin. Today went to school. Need to prepare the presents presented by 107 to Mr Goh and Mdm Santhi. Failed. Jeannie and me will do a better job next time. (: Jeannie & Liyana, Jiayou! LOL. But in the end. We still gave to Mr Goh and Mdm Santhi. By the way, i did badly for my languages. LIYANA! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU! I guess i really stepped on the wrong path. I guess god is willing to let me have a 'U-turn'. I will do it. I will do it better and prove to everyone! And come back to tell you guys the good news. And because of this. Im sorry, i need to blog seldom. So, relax. I would still carry on blogging. But, i would not be playing the computer this often. Tired and busy. Im so sorry, guys. I have no choice. Well, although some of you dont feel like what i felt... If you're meant to be good, wish me goodluck. Alright? I will give my words that i will do a better job this time. No slacking! Ok... Then wentto Homec Room. Luckily, i was just in time. Mdm Lina was about to leave. Gave her the Teacher's Day Gift. :D Then head home! Bathed, then message Wei Shan and Stephanie! Wentto Tampines Mart to meet Nisa, Faezza, Wei Shan and Stephanie. Wei Shan had not reached. So we've decided to go to ESPS first. Then saw Mr Chao. Yeahh, hi. Long time no see. ;D Lols. Played basketball. Gave Mr Chao Teacher's Day Gift. I know, you're welcome. (: After that walked to Tampines Mart. Seriously, i felt like drinking. But got over it. Wei Shan and me walked Stephanie home. Then both of us went home too. In Stephanie's house i was like crazy for water. I need rinse my mouth and all! Ahhh! Lols. Went home. Bathed again. On TV. Watch to kill my time. In my situation, i cant possibly read my storybook, cause i cant concentrate. Then i slept. When i woke up. Its time to eat! Wow! :D But i felt feverish. Sick! Maybe.. Nothing else. I NEED TO BUCK UP ON MY STUDIES!
I would not be posting often, so its alright. I guess.. Not much of you do read my post, right? I dont know why. I realised that my confidence just dropped down today. And when my confidence dropped down. I intend to study more. Its like i feel a liking for study. Thats weird. Its just that. I need to buck up on my studies, alright?
Ok, bye.
Love, Liyana.
Monday, 31 August 2009
Friday, 28 August 2009
Sorry for not posting!
Hi people, i am truly so sorry about not posting! Ok, first announcement. I missed my SINGLISH! Hahas! Like 'lahh', 'meh' all kinds! So changed back! But of course. Standard posting would be remained. ;D Secondly, i would not be posting the day before yesterday and yesterdays' life. I am truly sorry. I was exhausted. Went for Hockey. Hey! But it was fun, ehy? :D So i slept at 8.00pm yesterday. Lets skip today's school life. After school went back home. On laptop, played a little while. Yeahh, my so called 'little'. (: Then went out at 5.30pm to buy Teacher's Day Gift. (: Not telling you guys! But i bet that the presents that i made is always meaningful. :D There's thought in it. Well.. I do hope the teachers would like it. :D Ok. I am gonna do the presents right now. So buy. Maybe going out with Jeannie tomorrow to buy the decorations.. So bye, peoples!
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Quiz tag by Fadhilah. :D
1.Are you single or attached ?
Ans: Single is loved by me! :P
2.Do you have a person you like ?
Ans: Hmm.. There are..
3.What is the name of the person you're in love with ?
Ans: Care so much. Kpo lah you
4.If the person you're in love with and your mom dropped into the sea, who would you save ?
Ans: I save the person that i love, then jump into the sea to die with my mother. (:
5.Have you hug someone before?
Ans: Like duhh.
6.Do you love your parents?
Ans: Stupid. Its like crazy YES?
7.Will you hug the one you love?
Ans: Duhh. I love my families. (:
8.Are you willing to do anything fr your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Ans: Hmm.. I would do if i could do it.
9.Are you jealous now?
Ans: For?
10.Who is the last person who msg you?
Ans: Sorry, handphone charging.
11.Who is your clique?
Ans: I dont know what is clique :X
12.Do you want babies in future?
Ans: Err.. Talking too early? But i love babies! So adorable! XD
13.Do you prefer MCdonald's, long john silvers or KFC?
Ans: MCdonald's!
14.Do you sniff glue?
Ans: Ohh, please. I am such a good girl?
15.Do you smoke?
Ans: NO! I said already! I am a good girl. Why wont you believe me?!
16.If your boyfriend/girlfriend play 2 timer behind you back, what will you do?
Ans: I dont know. Depends?
17.If you're rich, what will you do?
Ans: MANY MANY MANY things. Till you cant imagine :P
18.If the love wants, held you hand what will you do?
Ans: Lols. I dont know. My family? My friends? My future boyfriend? LOL
19.If the one you love, reject you, what will you do?
Ans: I dont know. Sign And Forget (SAF)
20.What is your favourite character?
Ans: Err. Everything that is the character of me? LOL
21.Friendship or Love?
Ans: Friendship currently. :X Depends :D
22.Cookie monster or elmo?
Ans: Its Elmo's worldddddd
23.Do you use laptop or computer?
Ans: Both. LOL
24.Do you like lollipop?
Ans: Straberry Milk! :b
25.Do you have a diary?
Ans: This blog?
26.There an admirer and wont die heart, what will you do ?
Ans: I dont know. Currently, i dont want any. :X
27.If you quarrel with your boyfriend/girlfriend, and ask for break, what will you do ?
Ans: I dont know.
28.Are you blur?
Ans: Often XD
29.If you can have your hair dye , what colour do you want it to be ?
Ans: Dark brown and light brown
30.Who is the last person you chatted with?
Ans: Brandon
31.How many boyfriend/girlfriend have you beaten before?
Ans: Lols. I dont even have one (:
32.If your boyfriend/girlfriend don't love you anymore, what will you do?
Ans: Love cannot be force. There is no happiness in forcing. :'( LOL
33.What school are you in?
Ans: East View Secondary School. :D
34.Tag 10 besties/friends to do this quiz .
-Wen Fang
-Zi En
-Jia Qian
-Jia Qi
-Wei Ling
-Wei Shan
Sorry, im unable to tag you guys whom i tag in this quiz to do. Im tired. Bye.
Life posting would be later on. (:
So do this if you want when you see this. :D
Ans: Single is loved by me! :P
2.Do you have a person you like ?
Ans: Hmm.. There are..
3.What is the name of the person you're in love with ?
Ans: Care so much. Kpo lah you
4.If the person you're in love with and your mom dropped into the sea, who would you save ?
Ans: I save the person that i love, then jump into the sea to die with my mother. (:
5.Have you hug someone before?
Ans: Like duhh.
6.Do you love your parents?
Ans: Stupid. Its like crazy YES?
7.Will you hug the one you love?
Ans: Duhh. I love my families. (:
8.Are you willing to do anything fr your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Ans: Hmm.. I would do if i could do it.
9.Are you jealous now?
Ans: For?
10.Who is the last person who msg you?
Ans: Sorry, handphone charging.
11.Who is your clique?
Ans: I dont know what is clique :X
12.Do you want babies in future?
Ans: Err.. Talking too early? But i love babies! So adorable! XD
13.Do you prefer MCdonald's, long john silvers or KFC?
Ans: MCdonald's!
14.Do you sniff glue?
Ans: Ohh, please. I am such a good girl?
15.Do you smoke?
Ans: NO! I said already! I am a good girl. Why wont you believe me?!
16.If your boyfriend/girlfriend play 2 timer behind you back, what will you do?
Ans: I dont know. Depends?
17.If you're rich, what will you do?
Ans: MANY MANY MANY things. Till you cant imagine :P
18.If the love wants, held you hand what will you do?
Ans: Lols. I dont know. My family? My friends? My future boyfriend? LOL
19.If the one you love, reject you, what will you do?
Ans: I dont know. Sign And Forget (SAF)
20.What is your favourite character?
Ans: Err. Everything that is the character of me? LOL
21.Friendship or Love?
Ans: Friendship currently. :X Depends :D
22.Cookie monster or elmo?
Ans: Its Elmo's worldddddd
23.Do you use laptop or computer?
Ans: Both. LOL
24.Do you like lollipop?
Ans: Straberry Milk! :b
25.Do you have a diary?
Ans: This blog?
26.There an admirer and wont die heart, what will you do ?
Ans: I dont know. Currently, i dont want any. :X
27.If you quarrel with your boyfriend/girlfriend, and ask for break, what will you do ?
Ans: I dont know.
28.Are you blur?
Ans: Often XD
29.If you can have your hair dye , what colour do you want it to be ?
Ans: Dark brown and light brown
30.Who is the last person you chatted with?
Ans: Brandon
31.How many boyfriend/girlfriend have you beaten before?
Ans: Lols. I dont even have one (:
32.If your boyfriend/girlfriend don't love you anymore, what will you do?
Ans: Love cannot be force. There is no happiness in forcing. :'( LOL
33.What school are you in?
Ans: East View Secondary School. :D
34.Tag 10 besties/friends to do this quiz .
-Wen Fang
-Zi En
-Jia Qian
-Jia Qi
-Wei Ling
-Wei Shan
Sorry, im unable to tag you guys whom i tag in this quiz to do. Im tired. Bye.
Life posting would be later on. (:
So do this if you want when you see this. :D
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Hello. I am feeling SICK! Lets start, i would then elaborate on that. Went to school. Stayed in the canteen. The parade square was wet. Went up to class. Form Teacher's Time. After that was Mother Tongue. Teacher gave back the test paper. Alright. I knew that was the outcome. So, i was mentally prepared. Chill out. Then hand up the test paper back to teacher. Then after that was IH. Went to Computer Lab. Did research on Earthquakes. Then after that was recess. Went to canteen. Saw Wen Fang eating. But Wen Fang's plan was in vain! Muahaha. I was not tempted though. Though kind of, but not that tempted. Then went back to class. Music! Went to Music Room. Finally! The research of the music instruments are over! Freedom is back. Then was D&T. Whatheheck. Jeannie left her D&T stuffs in class. Mr Lim said that we cannot put our stuffs in the class, still put it in class. Went down to the D&T workshop. We were late. I was innocent! :( Jeannie, learnt a lesson. Heed the advice, okay? (: Then did our practical. My design was almost complete! Went back to class for STAR lesson. Finally! Mr Goh have decided on the class t-shirt! But i do not like the picture. I like the word. The unaware look. Hahas. Then went down to D&T workshop and try to complete our designs. Aisha, Jeannie and me. Mine was almost complete! I can complete my design by next week! Cheers! Jeannie went home first. Leaving Aisha and me in the lurch. Tears. Kidding. Aisha and me left awhile later. We needed to clean up. The switch for melting the Acrylic was on when we needed to use it. So we did not know that we have to off it. The uncle came and scolded me. Aisha was outside doing something else. Whatever. Then the teacher checked. We have not totally cleaned up. Cleaned up before we go. I was so tired! I have been sneezing from morning till afternoon. During D&T, there was so much dust! I think i breathed it in. And now i am being infected by the germs. Now i am feeling SICK. I feel feverish. My nose is blocked. I am feeling cold! Could i have gotten flu? Then watched TV. Watched GTV. New singer in Taiwan? YaoYao. Then slept. So tired. Then woke up and eat. Whee! Finally. Watched 'Don't Forget The Lyrics'. First episode was to bring laughter to everyone. Watched finish. And here i am! Ok, bye.
Monday, 24 August 2009
Asiasoft made me had a great loss.
Hi readers. Is this the first time i called you guys 'readers' ? Ok, nevermind. Lets be more practical. :D
Hi guys. We stopped at Page 261 yesterday. Today, let us begin at Page 262. Another 38 more pages and this whole storybook about Liyana's Challenge Life has 300 pages! Way to go, girl! Press on, yeah?! Okay, today went to school. I was repeating the 'Xin Yuan Bian Li Tie;Fated To Love You' song in my Mp3. Went to school. Sitted down. Chat. Then FTT. Then P.E! Played Skipping Rope. Kind of fun.. Then was IH. Watched video about Volcano. Then was recess. Went to library to stay away from temptation of those delicacies. Met Aisha in the library. Jeannie and me was planning for the Teacher's Day Gift for 107 to Mr Goh and Mdm Santhi. But there ain't any ideas. So *puff*. There goes our gift. But Jeannie is still doing. :D But i do not know what is the gift for 107 to give to Mr Goh and Mdm Santhi! Then was planning half-way in the library and the teacher came in and chase the students in the library out? We did not even make a squeak, alright? Then was Maths. Go through Graph. I volunteered to do the work on the whiteboard. I do not understand. Mr Goh came up and taught me. Wow, i just realized that if i need to learn, i have to learn infront of the teacher explaining on the board with others looking at me? Laugh, i know it is unlogical. But, it is my way. I think. Then was Mother Tongue. Nothing much. Then was LA. Had a test. Kind of easy. I am confident about this test! Yay! Cheers. Then stayed back in school to wait for Jeannie to complete her undone Mother Tongue test. Skip~. Around 7pm. Reached school opposite shop. Bubble Tea Shop. Beside the snack shop was another shop. On the left of Seven-Eleven. Bought Smoothie there. Just love it! Bought burger. Went home. Did Ace-Learning quiz. And here i am! Ok. Bye.
Hi guys. We stopped at Page 261 yesterday. Today, let us begin at Page 262. Another 38 more pages and this whole storybook about Liyana's Challenge Life has 300 pages! Way to go, girl! Press on, yeah?! Okay, today went to school. I was repeating the 'Xin Yuan Bian Li Tie;Fated To Love You' song in my Mp3. Went to school. Sitted down. Chat. Then FTT. Then P.E! Played Skipping Rope. Kind of fun.. Then was IH. Watched video about Volcano. Then was recess. Went to library to stay away from temptation of those delicacies. Met Aisha in the library. Jeannie and me was planning for the Teacher's Day Gift for 107 to Mr Goh and Mdm Santhi. But there ain't any ideas. So *puff*. There goes our gift. But Jeannie is still doing. :D But i do not know what is the gift for 107 to give to Mr Goh and Mdm Santhi! Then was planning half-way in the library and the teacher came in and chase the students in the library out? We did not even make a squeak, alright? Then was Maths. Go through Graph. I volunteered to do the work on the whiteboard. I do not understand. Mr Goh came up and taught me. Wow, i just realized that if i need to learn, i have to learn infront of the teacher explaining on the board with others looking at me? Laugh, i know it is unlogical. But, it is my way. I think. Then was Mother Tongue. Nothing much. Then was LA. Had a test. Kind of easy. I am confident about this test! Yay! Cheers. Then stayed back in school to wait for Jeannie to complete her undone Mother Tongue test. Skip~. Around 7pm. Reached school opposite shop. Bubble Tea Shop. Beside the snack shop was another shop. On the left of Seven-Eleven. Bought Smoothie there. Just love it! Bought burger. Went home. Did Ace-Learning quiz. And here i am! Ok. Bye.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
I am fainting.
Hello. Today woke up, on computer. Chat and play. Bathed. Then revised Science. Due to hunger, i went giddy. Had to rest. Lie down on the bed. I can only stand for 5 minutes, and the giddiness came back again. Then Eugenia said she wanted to buy my blogshop's item, Telephone Coil Band! OhMyGod! My very very first customer. Thank you Eugenia for supporting! :D Then revised Science again. Logout MSN. Revised Science. Ate dinner. Oh, i felt so much more better. Then finished eating and here i am! So bye. Oh yeah, wait. Have i mentioned this to you guys? I am back in action with my STRAIGHT BANGS! :D Ok, bye bye.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Where Got "G"?
Hellos. Let us begin. Today woke up in the morning 4am+. Eat breakfast. I am going to fast! Then went back to sleep after eating. Woke up at 11am. Bathed. I played with make-ups. Went out with mummy to Tampines Mall. Bought tickets for "Where Got 'G' ?" Finally i got the chance to watch! Then i went to Centuary Square to look for things for something. I played arcade. I want to get the big Eeyor! Can someone buy for me? :D Went into the theatre. The movie started. God. I am not sitting in the center which was in between my brother and my mother. Beside me was empty. It was good and bad. Whatever. Watched. I saw the newspaper putting it down there "20% horror, 80% comedy", but for me it is "20% comedy, 80% horror". It is kind of scary. Oh my god. But some of them it was so obvious that it was camera trick. It was freezing cold in the theatre. My teeth was chattering actually. Then went out. I am freezing, dude! Went to eat Long John Silver for dinner. Waited. Tick-tock-tick-tock. And finally! Ate. Then went home. And here i am! So bye.
Friday, 21 August 2009
I worried most for this day. 21/8/09. Nice day :D
Firstly, advertise my blogshop! :D
New things are added! - Updated!
Hello, people. I am really worried sick about two things about study. Ok. Let us begin. Today went to school. Then was FTT. Then was Mother Tongue. I totally FLUNGED it. Got it? FLUNGED.FLUNGED.FLUNGED. People, saw the word? Better put that in your bloody freako mind. Firstly, it was because i wrote very illegible. I requested for a re-write. Mr Zhao gave me another Test Paper. By the time i received the new Test Paper. It already took half an hour of my time. Then by the time i did finish the comprehension, it was already end of the Test Paper. I did not do the Multiple Choice Questions! Total marks was 50 marks! There it goes. 50 marks simply flew just like that. I really hate myself for this. Science, okay. I cried.. Come on. If you want to cry, cry it out loud. It will make yourself better. (: If you have any worries, seek consent. Let yourself be relief. If you want to laugh, laugh it out loud till you're happy. I learnt all this from Dramas. Thanks Edbert, Bevan, Benjamin, Jansen, Jeannie, Wen Fang, Jing Xue, Yong Soon, Putra and Hariz for the comforts and concerns. Recess. Ate. Sadly, tomorrow would be the first day of the fasting month. Went up to class. Rushed through drawings. The apple that i drew last week was nice, so Mdm Chan gave me a Mentos! Thanks. After that was Maths. Did a class quiz. Then did Graph. I did it wrongly. Dismissed! Went to Homec Room to change. For NCC. Went for training. Learn a new move from Surgent Amirah. Then went home. So tired. Everything was so heavy. Reached home.On the laptop. Played. Then ate dinner. Practice singing. I just realised one thing, a singer must drink plenty of mineral water! Laugh out loud. Then went to bathe. Then did Maths Quiz on Ace Learning. I got 60% which i was not suppose to get. Then blahh. There i go worrying again! But do not worry, because.. i am so lucky to have such a good friend like TeoZiEn(: He comforted me when i seek for it. Thank you so much. I feel much better. Then very quickly, it was 10pm. Off to watch 'Fated To Love You' on Channel U! Watched it the second time. Done. 11pm. Firstly, played with my hair. Am i crazy enough to tell you this? Yeahh. Now, here i am! Bye, off to play games, yeah?
New things are added! - Updated!
Hello, people. I am really worried sick about two things about study. Ok. Let us begin. Today went to school. Then was FTT. Then was Mother Tongue. I totally FLUNGED it. Got it? FLUNGED.FLUNGED.FLUNGED. People, saw the word? Better put that in your bloody freako mind. Firstly, it was because i wrote very illegible. I requested for a re-write. Mr Zhao gave me another Test Paper. By the time i received the new Test Paper. It already took half an hour of my time. Then by the time i did finish the comprehension, it was already end of the Test Paper. I did not do the Multiple Choice Questions! Total marks was 50 marks! There it goes. 50 marks simply flew just like that. I really hate myself for this. Science, okay. I cried.. Come on. If you want to cry, cry it out loud. It will make yourself better. (: If you have any worries, seek consent. Let yourself be relief. If you want to laugh, laugh it out loud till you're happy. I learnt all this from Dramas. Thanks Edbert, Bevan, Benjamin, Jansen, Jeannie, Wen Fang, Jing Xue, Yong Soon, Putra and Hariz for the comforts and concerns. Recess. Ate. Sadly, tomorrow would be the first day of the fasting month. Went up to class. Rushed through drawings. The apple that i drew last week was nice, so Mdm Chan gave me a Mentos! Thanks. After that was Maths. Did a class quiz. Then did Graph. I did it wrongly. Dismissed! Went to Homec Room to change. For NCC. Went for training. Learn a new move from Surgent Amirah. Then went home. So tired. Everything was so heavy. Reached home.On the laptop. Played. Then ate dinner. Practice singing. I just realised one thing, a singer must drink plenty of mineral water! Laugh out loud. Then went to bathe. Then did Maths Quiz on Ace Learning. I got 60% which i was not suppose to get. Then blahh. There i go worrying again! But do not worry, because.. i am so lucky to have such a good friend like TeoZiEn(: He comforted me when i seek for it. Thank you so much. I feel much better. Then very quickly, it was 10pm. Off to watch 'Fated To Love You' on Channel U! Watched it the second time. Done. 11pm. Firstly, played with my hair. Am i crazy enough to tell you this? Yeahh. Now, here i am! Bye, off to play games, yeah?
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
My blogshop is opened! :D
Hello! Here to announce a great news. My blogshop is opened! Please guide me along :D
My blogshop site :
My blogshop site :
Tired. Tired. Tired. Aches!
Hellos. Yawns. I am tired.. Nevermind. Today went to school. First was D&T. Damn it god. I forgot to bring my textbook again! Mr Lim told me if it happens one more time. Detention, and clean up the whole D&T room. After that was Science. Failed Science test again. Damn, i dislike the female teacher. Then was recess. Then was Maths. I really put in my effort for the Quiz! Mr Goh! How could you accuse me. I am so oh innocent. And i mean it. *Watery Eyes* :D Then was LA. 12pm Surgent came to class and told me to change. Late. Rushed everything. Did not attend IH lesson. We were late. The bus driver was like so pissed off. Chill, dude. We reached. Everyone was sitting down listening to the Guide talking. And we were the only NCC girls. Ok. Ran there and here. Took pictures and videos. I am in it. There was one of the video which i liked it very much. The tired soilders. It was sure hilarious. Went back to school. Changed. Then went to Bubble Tea Shop with Aisha. Tasted her Peach Smoothie. It was nice. Maybe i should try it someday.. Ate, and went back. Reached home and was really exhausting. Bathed and here i am! I am going to do my homework right now. Bye.
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Look fine.

Hello. Today went to school. Nothing much. Just being enthusiastic for D&T. :D Could not wait to cut out the shapes and see the results. Assembly. Went back to class. Form Teacher's Time. Then was Mother Tongue. Then was IH. Went to computer Lab to do research on Volcanos. Then was recess. Then went up. Music. Copy down notes. Then was D&T! Very quickly we did our practicals. I did not do a great job. My 'key' shaped was out of shape. There is 2 to 4 mistakes. So next week or maybe this week, i would be staying back and make some improvements. So went back to class. Did the rehearsal for the class performance. Actually the story was... Alright. Just that i feel that it needs some improvements :D Just giving my opinion. Thats all. After school. Went to Bubble Tea Shop and bought Maggie Cup. Had been starving. Although i did take my recess. Hey, but this does not meant that i am a hungry _ _ _ girl. Well, i do not know. Went to Jeannie's house. Revise and go through Maths paper. Then guess what we played? Kidnap? Laugh my bloody ass out people. Laughed throughout the whole game. Went home. Bathed. Ate dinner. Continued to do the research on Volcanos. I forgot about the questions. So i could not do it. And so here i am! Bye.
I have start my blogshop :D
Once it is ready,
I would give you guys the link :D
Monday, 17 August 2009
Have been watching shows
Hello. Today after school went out with Wen Fang and Grace. Today was my most unfortunate day. I will remember this date forever. 17/8/09. I met 3 mishaps in one day. Just what the heck.
1- In the fast food retaraunt, KFC, i spilled Wen Fang's coke. So Sorry Wen Fang!
2- In the fast food restaraunt, KFC, i dropped my Snackers.
3- In the library, i got scolded by the librarian.I did not do anything, just a little noisy.
Whatever, i do not want to talk about today. Bye.
Stupid day, bitch.
1- In the fast food retaraunt, KFC, i spilled Wen Fang's coke. So Sorry Wen Fang!
2- In the fast food restaraunt, KFC, i dropped my Snackers.
3- In the library, i got scolded by the librarian.I did not do anything, just a little noisy.
Whatever, i do not want to talk about today. Bye.
Stupid day, bitch.
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Finally back to blog.
Hello. I am finally back to blog. Welcome me back. :D Firstly, my desktop was going kind of crazy. It restarted again like before. The history is repeating itself again. Secondly, i have watched 'Fated To Love You' completely! Congrats me before its too late. ;D Finally i am done! Next is to find more interesting ones :D I am worried about my Science and Maths Test. I think i did pretty bad. Pray for me, alright? Thank you, love loads :D Ok. I will start my normal posting tomorrow. Bye.
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Sorry people.I have 3 good reasons :D
Out to Elias Mall with Jeannie on Tuesday,11/8/09.


Me crazy over Seaweed Shaker Fries..

Seaweed Shaker Fries is back!

My photography :D And oh, i am too kind hearted :X

Money in the donation box. Laugh.

Snap Shot?

Jeannie and the statue?

Me and the statue?

Oh my god! Jeannie The AhLian is here! Run for your life! :X
Oh, my photography is too good :D

Sorry for the un-rotated picture.



Me crazy over Seaweed Shaker Fries..

Seaweed Shaker Fries is back!

My photography :D And oh, i am too kind hearted :X

Money in the donation box. Laugh.

Snap Shot?

Jeannie and the statue?

Me and the statue?

Oh my god! Jeannie The AhLian is here! Run for your life! :X

Oh, my photography is too good :D

Sorry for the un-rotated picture.

Stairway, the princess going down.
My 3 reasons are : tired, watching shows, busy. Okay. I am sorry. I will not be posting about the other days. Just on this day, Tuesday, 11/8/09. Jeannie and me went to Elias Mall. We ate MacDonalds. Took pictures. Alright. Let the picture do the talking. I did not post some of the pictures, kind of ugly :D Hehe. Sorry Jeannie for delaying of posting the pictures! :X Bye :D I apologise for my.. Maybe, mood down? Hahas. Okay. Bye.
I am going to create a private blog.
Just for myself.
No one else.
I will invite nobody.
Execpt for Wei Shan and Stephanie :D
I am sorry to my friends,
but that doesnt mean that i am being unfriendly to you,
I am going to have my own life,where no one would ever know..
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Happy Birthday Singapore :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE ! LOVE YOU ! HEARTS! Sorry , editted post . Wont be posting about life for now . On top there is a video . My favourite NDP song :D Alright . Bye .
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Once , twice . Never .
Hey people . Whatcha doing , yo ? Today woke up . Bathed . On TV . Ohh , come on . I know you must have expected the word to be computer . Ohh . But thats sad . You got that wrong :) I am kinda of a computer freak . At only 70% ? After watching TV . I then on the computer . Was rather bored . Went to youtube to find the missing episodes of 'My MVP Valentine' . Watched . Time flies . I on the computer at 1.30pm . I did not know that it was 4pm ._. Then did nothing . Was bored to death . My brother ate my strawberry milk lollipop away ! Alright . Maybe it was fair . I secretly ate his marhsmallows yesterday night when he was off asleep :X Pardon . Then was dinner . Ate KFC ! :D To think i could actually take a Hot Devil chicken ? I ate 3 of them ! Miracle.. Then watched TV . Happened to came across this show named 'Big Momma House' . Damn it . It was so hilarious ! It ended at 9.30pm . It was the news on 5 then . Off the TV . And cleared my stuffs again . It was always so messy :X After clearing , on the computer and here i am ! Popping out of nowhere ! :P Bye bye . See you tomorrow :D Maybe not see , maybe it should be..
You told me once ,
told me twice .
But i never once ,
listened to you .
Friday, 7 August 2009
Out with Grace`Baobei . Fun is the word :D
Out with Grace ! :D

My favourite picture :D
At Macs eating lunch :D
Eating Macs for lunch at Tampines Mall

Mac Fries :D

The food ~

Grace's photography XD
Pictures of today's lead :D

Hearts .

1st Picture : Grace has no legs ! Only feets :X
2cnd & 3rd Picture : Grace!

Hearts .


Hearts .


Grace covered faces ._.

Grace said this picture i looked like a 'guppy' . Laugh .
Tampines 1 Rooftop :D

Laugh my ass out . Domo looking at a couple dating !

Grace's Domo bag :D

A gang having a meeting ! :O *Kidding*

The view :D



My favourite picture :D
At Macs eating lunch :D
Eating Macs for lunch at Tampines Mall

Mac Fries :D

The food ~

Grace's photography XD
Pictures of today's lead :D

Hearts .

1st Picture : Grace has no legs ! Only feets :X
2cnd & 3rd Picture : Grace!

Hearts .


Hearts .


Grace covered faces ._.

Grace said this picture i looked like a 'guppy' . Laugh .
Tampines 1 Rooftop :D

Laugh my ass out . Domo looking at a couple dating !

Grace's Domo bag :D

A gang having a meeting ! :O *Kidding*

The view :D


Laugh out loud :D I love his shows :)
Hello ! :D Lets start ! Today woke up , bathed . Then on computer . Then chat with Grace . Grace ask me if i want to go out with her . She said eat things . But not fun . So i gave a suggestion . Watch movie ! :D I want to watch "Where Got Ghost" . Then went out . It was raining cats and dogs . Reached . Grace was there :D Then went to Tampines Mall . We went to the shirt shop . And blahhs . We then went to the movie . Wanted to buy the tickets . Then saw the queue was a dragon tail . So went down and eat Macs for lunch . Then went to toilet took pictures :D Then went to Centuary Square to buy the tickets . Before we buy , we checked out the time . WHAT THE HECK ?! 10pm . -.-! Shit the movie . Cant it just be afternoon ? Then walked around in Centuary Square . Then Grace said want to go to Bugis . Ok ! Lets go ! :D It was a long time since i went to Bugis ._. Then boarded MRT . Reached . I never knew Bugis was so near . Then went there . Walked around . Took pictures :D Then Grace bought 2 tops . The pink top with a white ribbon on it was real sweet ! (: Then walked around again . Trying to find bottoms for me . Cant find any . Grace bought Mango Juice first . Then walked . Could not find the right bottom . Or was it me too choosy ? :X Since i could not find any bottoms , decided to buy tops :) Went back to the shop . Saw one top . Nice :D Bought it down ! (: Then walked around again . Took pictures . Then went back to Tampines 1 . Walked around . Then went to rooftop :D Laugh my ass off . Fun over there :D Keep laughing ! The fried chicken have to rest in peace . The fries too . The tissue is the coffin you see . Grace dropped her chewed chicken onto my hand ! Goshh ! Gross . The fried chicken ended up rest in peace because the chicken hit my leg -.-! And i not happy , and i beat it !!! And i am a murderer of the fried chicken :X Lastly took a picture of Domo looking at a couple dating ! Laugh out loud ! The picture looks nice yeahh ! :D Then went down to toilet . Then took pictures :D One of it was Grace has no legs ? Laugh . Then went to a shop . Grace bought the dont know what thing for her handphone :D Then went to Tampines Mall Minitoons . Look around . Then after that went to accessories shop . Bought 3 rubber bands :D Then went home . Then waiting for the bus . I accidently cutted a queue . Then there is this damn Auntie . She did not close up the gap right ? How would i know ? She still dare to give me that damn face . She think she who ? Principal of my school ? President's wife ? Not then do not give me that bloody face . Damn her . Then when wanted to board the bus she look at me . My god . Then alighted the bus . Never thought she alighted at the same stop as me ? Damn her shitty . Dont let me see her again . Then went home . My gosh . Damn alot of things to clear . Then 9.15pm then post the pictures . Then bathed . Eat . Then Grace reminded me there is somemore pictures that i did not post . That was lucky :D Then ate , watched TV . Then posted the pictures . Blahhs after that . And here i am ! :D Byes ! :D
I had fun today with Grace`Baobei!
Love her :D
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