Peoples have different ways of expressing themselves, so don't compare yourselves with others. You're perfect in your way.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Hello mottos. No, sorry. You guys not mottos. Hello people. Hello hello. Survey. Let you guys guess whats the survey about. While guessing, read my story. Hehes. Today went to school. I thought we would be just doing a short little easy survey. Reached school, sang national anthem. Went up. Teachers came in and said that we have to go out of school to give people the survey. Which are residents or you can say, strangers. My partner was Jeannie. So ask here and there. Walked to Tampines Mall. We're going to reach Tampinese Comunnity Centre and we saw Bevan and Edbert. Hahas. Walked together. Four of us walked to Tampines Mall. Walked to Tampines Mall and we lost Bevan and Edbert. They said they're at Tampines MacDonald. So went there. Went to Tampines Mall Basement with Jeannie. Bought Pink Guava. Went up, find Bevan and Edbert. Changed seats. Haaaaaaaahs. Went there, Wiseley came. Bought Vanilla Cone Ice Cream. The Ice Cream hard like stone like that. Lol. Not exactly. Then Wiseley bought pancakes. We four, Jeannie, Edbert, Bevan and me attackkkkkkk! Lol. Having a pancake war. Lol. Then we snatched there snatched here. Not even one of his pancakes are a perfect circles. Lol. So fun. But we're not so cruel to not leave Wiseley anything, he bought the pancakes. Yeah, hehehehehehehehes. Then bought Old Changkee. Bought Sotong On Stick! Yeah, think so. We tried to go to Tampines 1. Closed. So actually thought of taking bus go back to school. Then Edbert suggest that we walked to school, yeah. Good idea, and i saw the fluffy flurfy flurry flower. The flower that once you've blown it, you're helping it to disperse. And its very very beautiful. So while walking, we discovering. Cool, so long never play like that already. Real fun. I said want to run back to school. In the end, i ran, slow down my speed. Wiseley, Edbert, Bevan, Jeannie and me walked together back to school. Walked and run, run and walked. Jeannie took overhead bridge. Then walked and run, run and walked. Finally, reached school. Yay! Reached school, went to canteen. Saw Mdm Santhi, helped her to carry stuffs to the tamil room. Oh, can't help it. We're just too helpful. Wiseley, Edbert, Bevan, Jeannie and me sat at canteen played True or Dare. Actually there's no True. Hahas. Play play. Then think kind of boring. So played the paper stick on the forehead and you don't know the thing. It must an action or saying something. Then you must make that person do that thing, then if that person does that thing, he or she is out. Hahas, fun! So after that went up. Continued playing. Very fast end of school. Wen Fang and me went to Jeannie's house. Went there bought Maggie Cup. Went to Jeannie's house. Played Pokemon. Lol, the more i see the more i am interested in it. Lol. Ate maggie. Then suddenly Jeannie's house got burnt smell. Wen Fang went out to check. The whole house so foggy. We're luck! Woooohoooos! Played. Went back, i don't know whether Wen Fang ok a not. ): Okay, byebye. I'm afraid sometimes my blog is too wordy? I'll create a poll as fast as possible to improve my blog to make my blog more interesting for you guys! So don't worry be happy! Ok, byebye! ^^
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Tons of pictures. Overdued and new pictures.
Today's trip to Marina Barrage
Mr Goh. Happy Belated Birthday. Heeehs. :D
Jeannie and Janelle
Cheeeeeeers! Jeannie, Jing Xue and my cup. Yong Soon's bag. Lol.
Playdough Competition
You're bad and you're good.
Hello, today went to Marina Barrage. Kind of boring. Yawnnn. I'll be posting tons of pictures after this post. So yeah, lets see my story. Today woke up at 9am. Played computer till 9.30am. Bathed. Ate Roti Prata for breakfast. Heeehhs. Rushed to school. Thinking that i would be late. The form there stated 10.30am must reach school. As if, i 11am reach school also can. Reached there, everybody still in canteen. Made me worried so much. Went out to buy some stuffs. Bought sweets, Jeannie bought biscuits. Went back, Mr Kwan came. We lucky just came back. Haikal and Putra unlucky, they got caught. Time to assemble. Assembled around 10.35am. We split into groups. Around 11am we then set off to the bus. So long. I was perspiring. Went up the bus. Rock it up on the MP4. Play there play here, took pictures of Wiseley. I only listen to 2 songs and we reached. Miracle. Reached there. Firstly quite boring. We played water. But never get wet. Next went to map reading. Boring. Then we went to kite flying! Actually Jeannie and me cannot fly the kite. Then instructor helped us a little and there we go! Fly very high too. Then cannot again. So times up. After such a warm weather, we stepped into a air-conditioner room. So refreshing. Went in for the cooling air only. Hahahs. Some facilities are quite cool. Then after that went to do some calculations about the Singapore Flyer and one more building. Then i tried to fly my kite, the wind too strong and the string broke and fly into the sea? Oh my god. I don't know what would happened but i hope nothing would happen! I really pray that nothing would happen! Sad and worried. Moved on to the last station! Woooohoooos! Calculate some maths. And we completed the challenge. Bought ice cream. Wen Fang they all played water. Then my group wont the challenge! Yeah! 108 boys with Fasihah, Sabrina, Suhailah, Ardilla, Jeannie and me in the group 5. And we won! Got prizes! Yeah! Love it. On the way back to bus, Bevan very disgusting. His socks very stinky. He says its a holy socks. Very fake. Very smelly, seriously. Played in the bus. Reached school. After school, alighted at one of the bus stand with Jeannie. Then from there we walked to Pasir Ris Park. Very tiring. Went there to the playground there and play. 2 malay girls, they thought i don't understand malay, talk to me so rudely. I also never ask them whether i can play the swing. I only sit there and wait. Is they automatically let us play, so why they so angry. No common sense. Then Jeannie and me play. Meet 2 more malay boys. These two boys very irritating. They keep talk bad about us in malay. Thinking that i don't understand malay too. They kicked sands at Jeannie and me. Whatever, they just want Jeannie and me to leave the swing. So i just stay there. They still kicked us. They thought i would cry and leave. The more they do to make us leave, the more i won't leave. But then they're a bit weird. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad. Weird eh. So went home and get a refreshing bath! Ate dinner. Watch TV and here am i! Ok, the pitures will be on top of this post! Cause they're tons of picures to load. Ok, happy reading and happy seeing! Bye bye.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Great news!
Hello! I've quite alot of good news to tell you guys, at the end of the post, i'll tell you guys, ok? Alright. Today went to school, first was FTT. Then second period was.. I forgot which lesson it was. But Mdm Santhi and Mr Goh were still in class. We discussed about next Tuesday picnic. Oh my god. I really can't wait! Weeeeeheeeeee! I took down my marks. I passed my overall with great marks babeh! One more thing, I passed every subject! Woohooos, i passed. One wish granted, and its by my own effort. So proud of myself. Then was recess. Ate. Went up, was music. I want to watch Nodame Cantabile again. Although i watched finish. Hehahehas. It was Art, i got 2cnd highest! Wow! Great babehhh! Okok, then was D&T. I got highest for D&T! Wooohoooos! I won Charan by 0.3. LOL. Great still! Then was STAR lesson. Watched Robin Hood. Then Mr Goh present us the awards! Wooohoooos! I am in the top 6 in class! Jansen, Jeannie, Jing Xue, Charan, Devi and me! Cool! All of us 6 in the top 6 baby! Yeah! Ok, The boys got Ben 10 pencils and the girls got Disney Princess pencils. Seriously, THEY WERE SO ADORABLE. Love those pencils! It kinda rock. o.o LOL. So Jeannie went to meet the principal with Charan. You know why? Cause they did a very very grave mistake. Which is not being a bad child! LOL. They went to meet the principal to give feedbacks on the school. Come on, take it easy, yeah man. Waited for her for quite a long time. But its ok. Thanks Edbert for waiting together! ^^ Then walk together, then i go straight, they go left. Nah, i don't even think you guys understand any of that. :D Ok, byebye. Tomorrow we're going to Marina Baradge??? BORING. Next Tuesday we're going to Sentosa!!! Wooohoooos! Bye!
All my subjects passed.
I got into Secondary 2 Express.
I got into top 6.
Most importantly, its my best achievement of all.
Thank you!
Monday, 26 October 2009
Went to school and did nothing.
Hello, start start. I feeling feverish. Today went to school. Start P.E. Run run, play play. Finish. Then was IH. Watch 'Night At The Museum'. Yeah, nice. :D Then recess. Eat, went up. Maths watch 'Robin Hood'. I completed the show. Gagagahs. Then was Mother Tongue. Mr Zhao opened a movie, 'Transformer 2'. I don't think its interesting or nice. So never watch. Then was Literature Art and reviewed Literature. Yeah! I passed! So happy. :D So went out. Then after school did something kinda of important. Hehes. Yeah.. So can't tell you guys about it. Okay, byebye.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
My Japanese Guide Book!
Hello, today woke up. Nothing much. Watch TV. Parents went down to buy stuffs. Then came back, wow. Surprised! Bought something, very nice. Don't tell you guys. Hahas. So nothing to do. On the computer. Played Facebook. Now, seriously nothing to do. So took out 'My Japanese Guide Book!'. Lols. I learning Japanese. Quite alot of basics. Sukina iro wa nan desu ka? Guess whats the meaning of the sentence? By the way, i did not look at the book while writing that Japanese sentence. The words i would learn later. I learnt abit only. Its kinda of difficult. Ate dinner. Continue learning. And here i am! I wonder if tomorrow have P.E. I hope so! :D Okay, bye. Off to sleep. (:
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Seoul Garden~
Hey yoh! Yummy yeah? Mmmmm. Yumm Yumm, still miss the foods. Today haven't decide where to go. So went to Downtown East. Walked one big round. Ok, do you guys know i went out with who? Its with my family. So walked one big round. Sakura 6pm then open, but we reached Downtown East about 4pm close to 5pm. So went to Ehub! and walked one big round to Downtown East again. So at last, finally we decided to eat Seoul Garden! I miss Seoul Garden! Yummy. So went in. Start ordering. Hahas. We keep order food. Ordered garlic chicken and many many more! So grill there grill here. Cook there cook here. Eat there eat here. And im still not full. Miracle! I often be full after a few dishes. Rock right. So order ice cream. I ate 2 different type of ice cream. Yeah, fun and delicious. Yummmm. I only took the pictures of the desserts. Cause other foods don't look nice. LOL. Hahas, ok. Maybe next time. Went to Downtown East, bought Cotton Candy! Wooohooos. Ok. Went home and both my hands smells like burnt food. Ok, bye.
Posted in the morning, 25 October, counted as 24 October.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Its a linient teacher or being drive to no options by me?
Hello. Alright ok, ok alright! Lets start the day, baby! Today went to school. Wasn't as excited and nervous as yesterday. Thats weird. Its still the same as yesterday to review the paper. So firstly, it was Mother Tongue! Yeah, your mother's tongue. ;D Kidding. Ok, i was excited and well, not so nervous for this. Got the paper and looked at the results. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. I passed! Woohooos! I got 64, if i'm not wrong, actually. Then after that was Science. Jeannie changed her marks and got higher! Woohooos! Congratulations Jeannie, you got so many 'A's!!! I'm so happy for you! But of course, i do also wish that i could do the same as you. I know where my mistakes are. I did all of the paper too slow ._. Am i retarded? Some of the subjects, i would have gotten 'A' if i had done the paper just a little faster. Watched funny video. The most funniest video that i liked was 'Jack Jack Attack' ! Real funny. The baby is cool and the quality is great too. :D Ms Ng gave us Kit Kats. Woots, thanks! :D Theres energy in it. Luckily, i did not even ate anything for breakfast. I had almost no energy. But of course, its not pathetic. So drank a packet of VitaSoy and went up. Art.We revealed the marks for English Paper 1. For Paper 1, i got 32. For Paper 2, i got 17. Total, it would be 49. Wtheck, isn't it? 1 more mark to passing grade for English and dearest god you did this to me. Oh, of course. I learnt my lessons, not only i did my papers slow, but also doing it in a rush? Haaaahhs. So, no matter what. I must get that 1 mark! So, walked to teacher. 'Just 1 more mark'. I tried to find mistakes but just can't. So was the teacher linient to me to make me pass or was like i was too noisy? Well, take it as the teacher was linient then. Thank you! ^^ Woohooos! And there i go, i got 50! I passed my English! I passed everything for my SA2! Oh my god, my wish is fufilled! Thank you Allah. My wish in my previous blog is granted! Yes! My effort had not been wasted, by the way. Great! So it was Maths. Went to AVT. I passed my Maths! Woooohooooooooooos! I had done great improvements! I jumped grade from E8 to C5. Great! I got 57 overall. Great Great Great! Wooohooos! Ok. Then after school went to Jeannie's house. Played played played. Hahas. Fun. Quarells happens but its being solved easily. Family should live happily under the same roof. :D Went home. I took 3 bus. I ran from Jeannie's house to the bus stop so that i won't lose the bus, but i still lose it. So wait and finally the bus came. I took HA and alighted. I saw BH coming. I ran from ESSO to the bus stop near East Spring Secondary School. Thats kind of far. Alighted at Tampines Mart. One stop only. Haaahs. I alighted and saw BIA, i ran again. And after that alighted, one stop only. Hahas. Its kinda fun actually. So from the bus stop i ran to home. Phews. I drank half a 1.5 litre 100 PLUS bottle. Phew, thirsty and need energy. So bathe. And very quickly, time to eat dinner. Wooohooos! My mother cook laksa. Ok. So watch TV and here i am! Bye bye.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
I would have done better without those stupid mistakes..
Hello. I've gotten the results today. But lets talk about today's story. Today went to school. I was so nervous and afraid. Hahs. For my results, definitely. Okay, today went to school. Blahhs. Went up. Form Teacher's Time, but Mr Sekhar came. Haahs. Actually we wanted to watch a movie. Unfortunately, something went wrong in the system. So did crossword puzzle. Its difficult, yeah? Till 9am. So 9am Ms Sha, the teacher to review the Paper 1 with us, 107. I'm kinda disappointed with my Paper 1 results. So thats it, i did not regret for Paper 1. I did it with no mistakes unlike other subjects which i can score higher than my current scores. After that was recess. Went up. It was Maths. We watched 'Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves' movie. Great, yeah! I'm watching it now in Youtube. Hahhs. Great show actually. As time flies when you have fun, 11.30am. I still wanna watch the movie, so i'm posting first before i watch the movie. Heeehs. Oh, i'm so noble and great to sacrifice my movie for you guys. :'D Hehes. Nah, just joking around. Come on. Don't be so serious. It was SCIENCE! Great! I can pass my paper just with Paper 1 & Paper 2. But if i had done 2 more questions in Section C, i could have done better. I really regretted it. I can't blame others too. It was me who didn't read the instructions PROPERLY. Oh well, what done has been done right? But i can get ^! for my Science without doing 2 questions that cost me 20 marks. That is kinda of a miracle to me. I gotten @% for my Paper 1 & @& for my Paper 2. Add up my total scores i would get %@. Add up my Section C. I gotten ^!. But if i had done better and i did those two questions that cost me 20 marks. I could have gotten &) to *!. Which is A@ to A!. But, i'll learn from my mistake this time to read the instructions clearly. This would be a great lesson for me. But still, my silly and stupid mistake that i made were seriously really really foolish. Liyana, JIAYOU! Woohooos. Hahhs. Then it was assembly, but nope. We did not go for assembly, guess what we did? We slept in class. Hahas. Kidding. Kidding. All of the Secondary Ones to secondary Threes, i think, stayed in class to do their reviews. We reviewed Maths. And very great again! I've gotten #@/$). Thats great, huhs? ^^ But i think i did badly for my Paper 2. I skipped alot alot of questions. Can you do me favour? Pray for me. Thank you. I really really want to pass all of my subjects for this end of year. Because i cannot afford to fail any in secondary school. I don't know why, a pressure in me which don't allow me to fail any of my subjects. Am i silly and weird? Hahahs. Ok, what done has been done. Always think in the bright side. Imagine although you know it isn't true. The light of the sun ray shine brightly, so bright. You have to squeak your eye, the light has come, there's always hope if you don't give up. Wow, i swear i did not copy those sentence from any where else. :D I swear it. Ok, after school bought Ice Lemon Teaaa and went home. Did not went to Jeannie's house. Alright. Byes. By the way, i did not put the real numbers cause i don't really wanna be so happy, and making you guys happy, and in the end, the results were like a pile of poo. But of course! Be more optimist, i'll pass for sure! ;D Ok. Bye, see you guys tomorrow! ^^ Bye! ^^ Opps, sorry, rewind. Bye, post for you guys tomorrow! ^^ Bye! ^^
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
It was fun! But yet tired.
Hello! Phews, im so exhausted. My legs are so sour! Today went to Escape Theme Park with Jeannie, Janelle and Edbert. Woohooos! It was so funnnnnnn! My first time spending such a long time in Escape Theme Park. :X Went there at 12.30pm. Everybody reach already, we bought family package. Haahs, Edbert and Jeannie became Janelle's and my parents. Haahs, yeah, lame huh? Went in there and start! The first ride we ride was the Kite Flier. We played the Go Cart 2 times. Feel so good. Its my 4th time. If i hadn't had played 2 times today, it would be the 3rd time. Played viking quite alot of times. Viking was my most favourite ride in Escape Theme Park then followed by Go Cart. Played Wet And Wild. I think Wet and Wild was the ride that we 4 person played the most. Haahs. Played Family Coaster. Played the shoot water one. Haahs. Laugh. Get wet man! Went into the Haunted House. Met a Vietnamese couple. Hahas. Went in together. We all 6 went in together. The couple very good. Then we keep on grabbing to them. Cause they adult. Hahahas! When theres an adult in the Haunted House you will feel much more safer. But its still scary. The guy was like "Hahahahah! Come on man!" Hahas! Then he at the front he still make those weird noise to scare us. But really a great experience to make friends with foreigners. ^_^ They were so friendly, you know. Yeah, then need to go home. So tired and hungry! By the way, i ran home. Went home, quickly eat. I ate 1 and 1/2 bowl of rice. I was real hungry. Then bathe. And here i am! Ok, tomorrow im going to take my results back! Please, pray for me. I'll pray for you. Thank you. Bye, i need to replenish my sleep and get a good sleep so i'll be energetic tomorrow! ;D Byebye.
By the way, never take picture and my post for today was not descriptive enough. Real sorry. Im really tired. But i have REAL FUN alright? ^_^ :D
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Hello. I slept at 3am this morning. I only got 2 hours of sleep and yet right now in the dark im not feeling sleepy? Thats what im feeling weird. By the way, Art was alright. But i rushed through it. Its kinda of bad for my health. Yawnzxcxz... Im sleepy yet not sleepy. Can you understand that? By the way, cant wait for this coming Thursday! The grand day where the results would be released. Oh my god. 我的天! Anyway, going out to maybe Escape Theme Park or Seoul Garden tomorrow! Yeah, it just feels so great after exam. Well, but the worse has yet to come. Thats the results. Well well, what done has been done. Pray for me! I pray for you!
Jocelyn Lee has opened a new blogshop! Please support her! ^_^
Jocelyn Lee has opened a new blogshop! Please support her! ^_^
Overdue pictures would be posted some other days when im free :)
Monday, 19 October 2009
My art is not done!
Hello, hello. People, im dead meat. Hello, hello. I am dead meat so you better pray hard for me. Thanks! Im dead for my Art! Which is tomorrow, and i've not done it today! So byebye. Im real sorry that i said i would be posting last Saturday, cause i went to my Grandma's house. Now, i need to do my Art, alright? Ok, bye bye! By the way, I saw Donavan near my Grandma's house estate. O.O LOL. Bye bye!
Friday, 16 October 2009
Finally. ;D

By the way, i just watch one Korea show, of course definitely not BOF. Is 'A millionare first love'. This guy is so adorable and smart right! ^_^ When he play the show not smart, cause his hair not like the picture. But then at the last episode his hair is like that. Actually in the middle episode also got. Hahas! XD Hyun Bin.
Yohhhh! People people. Hey yeah! Oh my god! ^_^ Miss you guys so much! XD Its great! Finally the exams are 'over', cause there would be one more examination, ART. Yeah, need to do research. Whats wrong with me this days. I totally did badly for all of my subjects... God, please help me. I cant afford to fail any subject for this year. Somekind of pressure in me. PLEASE! Let me pass all! Today i helped Mr Kwan to write Haikal they all the name. I felt so BAD! You know! :'( If they hate me how? :'( Haiya, dont know lah! Can dont care one hor? Hehes. Ya lah. Ya lorh. Ok lah. Yesterday went to KBOX with Jeannie & Janelle. Hahas, so fun yeah! Went there sing like siao zhar bor like that. Lols. Very fun! ^_^ Sang lots of songs. Feel like going there again. o.o LOL. Yeah, tomorrow would start as the normal post already oh! ^_^ By the ways, i got 2 videos of Jeannie singing song. But then she keep say no want, she say very shy and embarassing. Lols. Ok loh. I never put! ^_^ Jeannie, dont say me bad le oh. :D Ok, tomorrow start normal post kay? I needa go do ART research... -.-! Bye bye.
Monday, 5 October 2009
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