Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Happy Birthday Brandon! (:
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
History Battlefield Trip (:

I got two pencil for my award

Smiley faces and all (:

My prizes. Still got one more notebook, donated to Yong Soon (:

Cool, huh?

All the money in the past..


The hat that British wore, i think so.

Hahahaha, after i took this picture with Jeannie, i totally burst into laughter!

Bo Han! Cheer up! :D

The bombs and grenades.. :O

I don't know whats this..

Somekind of Japanese words..

The bicycles..

This is the Japanese's General, forgot his name..

Chinese New year pictures and some others! (:

Saturday, 27 March 2010
He said Jokers
Thursday, 25 March 2010
I love Jonathan Pang! 260310 Camp was fun!
Wednesday 24/3/10 First day of camp
I went to school and fall in. Took the bus to Head Quarters. In the bus Mr Peh told us that there would be no transport for us when we go home. I was like what the hell.. Okay, so reached HQ and split into groups. Did not group up with Jeannie. :( But its ok, cause i'm grouped with Regina and Poorinima! Jeannie was kind of alone. Sigh. So other schools came in and finally we grouped finished and i realised that Regina, Poorinima and me were the only girls in Platoon 4, so i was like hoping to get along with the guys. So after we splitting into groups, we have to fall in. Our PC was Mdm Jin Feng. I think her name was spelled this way. I hope so. :D So went up to our bedroom and put our stuffs back and rushed back down. The boys did not fall in properly and we got scoldings. Oh. Okay, after that i kind of forgot what we did. Gosh, hell. We did MOC. Yeap, i kind of cried which is so embarrassing, but not cried like those cry until very loud just 2 tears came out of my eyes and i'm done crying. (: First we had a brief on the Motivational Obstacles Course, they show how to climb all this. So after that we had to try the obstacles and i tried them i skipped 2 and the very last obstacle i did not succeed. The first one was to use the cut on our boots to hold ourself onto the rope and climb up, i was like trembling.. The second one was the High Wall which i will never forget the name cause it seems so dangerous.. You have to climb up and then the top was so narrow. So i said to my sir, 'Sir, can i skip this?' He said skip it and do the others. And the next obstacle was to crawl under some net, and when it goes to a lower part, we have to do the tortoise crawl, i think its called like that. Hehe. Then theres one obstacle, i wanted to finish it, but i got muscle cramp because of it.. You have to use the two poles to pull yourself up by using your hands and knee, push yourself up by your knees. Then when i did it, i got muscle cramps.. Then must crawl under the tyre and i kind of got stuck in it, and told Regina and Jeannie in the bus, they laughed, not because i'm fat, because i did not lower myself.. Then i have to walk on a narrow plank, kind of scary, when my leg step forward, its trembling like mad.. So the third obstacle that i failed and skipped was to get yourself over a small pond using a rope to jump over and i got wet two times.. Then after that we ate lunch, the food was so delicous! Damn nice! So after that we went to do repalling.. Had some briefing and the clouds seems dark, and so as expected it started to rain and causing not to do repalling. So this was where the first joke between Regina, Poornima and me. It was raining so we had to stay in shelter. So we talked and talked and Poornima told us to teach her some chinese, so we did. So we taught her 有话快说有批快放 which means if you have something to talk faster talk and Poornima can't pronounce it properly so she said 有话快说有猪快放! Omg! You have something to say, faster let the pigs out. LOL! Poornima also said 有话快说有beef快放! Regina and me was laughing like mad! Then the boys disturb us so we asked Poornima to teach us 'You stupid' in tamil, and after i learnt it i said it to the boys, and then Poornima asked me why i said that to the boys, then she told me that what i said was 'I am stupid' i was like wthell! Then after that we asked her how to say 'You are stupid' then she haven't say finish i go say to the boys and i only said 'You are' LOL! Then Regina learn the word 'stupid' and she pronounce it as 'botak'! LOL! So when she said 'You are stupid' in tamil, Regina said 'You are botak'! LOL! I can't help but i'm laughing right now as i'm writing this joke.. Then after that we marched to the canteen to eat our dinner! Yummy! Then after that was to watch movie, watched '17 Again'.. Watched halfway and was called out to the the rifle thingy. Not fair, so did the rifle thingy, i understand the rifle thingy more this time.. Have to do the stripping and assembling of the rifle. I don't know how to do and asked Nayif for help, he is such a pro for rifle. Then ate supper. Then after that we marched back to the parade square and had a brief for fire drill cause later got fire drill. So we're dismissed and went back to our bunk to take our toiletries. Then waiting for the cubicle, so when Poorini or Poornima and Regina bathe, the fire drill alarm rang. I was like what the hell! I was wearing half uniform and slippers with my untied hair. And everyone was all so weird, half uniform with school shoes! Hahahaha! Then after that went back and bathe, so chat chat awhile then slept. Very tired.
Thursday 25/3/10 Second day of camp
So the next day, woke up, bathe and went down. We did PT. Exercise, they said we're going to run and sing songs, sad, too bad did not. So did crunches, star jump and push up. Then after that went to eat breakfast, milo was weird.. The porridge was damn water. Eww.. Don't know what happened to the second day of food. Then after that changed to full no.4, 5 minutes given. Done. So fall in at the parade square. Marched to the hall. Did the compass thingy, we had briefing, so have to find this and that, was so fun! Then the sir mark my paper, he said, 'Wah, on the dot'. I told him that my friend taught me, it was one guy, boy. I don't know his name! But he's my friend. (: Return the compass back and then the strict sir asked me 'You Elias's sister?' Wthell. LOL! Laughed again! Wait, but indeed Elias is my brother. Lol. Then played some games. After that went to the table and did map reading, damn fun! Then did the secret thingy. This was where Jonathan Pang appeared. Hahahah! Another joke. The instructor name was Jonathan. Regina said that Jonathan looked familiar, so when Jonathan smiled, i said he resembles Gu Jun Pyo cause his smile look like Gu Jun Pyo's smile. Hahhaha, then Regina was like annoyed cause i keep korean words, why? I don't know, haha. XD So Gu Jun Pyo is GJP for name. So Gu Jun Pyo has a letter 'J' in there so does Jonathan, so just think of one surname that starts with the letter 'P' and suddenly the word 'Pang' just came into my mind and so Jonathan Pang! Suddenly the name Jonathan Pang sounds so nice.. I love Jonathan Pang (: So after that i was thinking about Gu Jun Pyo's acting. When at Malaca playing the golf, he was pissed off with Geum Jan Di. So he shouted out 'AHHJJS!' Wthell! Then Regina and me kept laughing about it. Idiot sia. Then she got used to the word 'AHHJJS!' LOL! Then we kept laughing about korean words, no offence to korea and koreans. (: Then Geum Jan Di will 'YA! GU JUN PYO! KIMCHANA?!' Then Geum Jan Di will say 'GU JUN PYO~?!' LOL! Then Singaporeans will say 'tada'! as a surprise then korean will say 'Jajang'! LOL! Then we complete the secret code thingy, and sat at the chair doing nothing, actually Regina, Poornima and me did not really do the secret code, only the boys.. So after that went to eat lunch, went to take foods and wthell, the sir all keep making jokes like saying 'Like brother like sister' and like 'Come come, Elias's sister must eat a lot'. LOL! I never told my friends cause i don't want them to think that i like to show off.. So just let them know by theirself.. Then dunno what happened to lunch, suddenly became so dry. But still nice. So after that marched to parede square, we have to clear the bunks and packed our stuffs and faster fall in at the parade square, then we three went up and realised that Jeannie and Poorini helped us to packed our stuffs and cleaned the bunks! Thank you Jeannie and Poorini! ^^ So we went down and nobody was there. Haha, then the boys from fourth floor shouted and said fold back our sleeves, Regina helped me fold and then jokes started again i said 'Gamsahabnida' and 'Kumoyo' LOL! Damn funny, then after that the boys took forever to fall in. The boys are from Macpherson, Ngee Ann, Bedok View. Ya, that all i can remember, the handsome boys are from Ngee Ann and Bedok View. :P Then we went to the hall and got some briefing by the sir. His presentation, kind of boring. I was so tired, mt head feels so heavy and it would be rude to sleep during one's presentation right? So i tried not to sleep but my head just keep falling.. So after that we got dismissed. Then we had no transport because of Mr Peh.. It was raining cats and dogs.. Then the sirs and mdm see us nothing to do so played some quiz, but its about NCC. Not so sure, then they go move the chairs first, while the girls stay. Then after that they give some lame jokes.. Lol. First one was, 'a panda came to a restaraunt and ate, so after the panda ate, the waiter came with the bill, then the panda took out a gun and shoot at the ceiling. Then left, the waiter very curious, so run after the panda and asked why panda shoot the ceiling?' Please answer in your heads, have some integrity, the answer would be out later on. (: The second joke was 'there is a car brand called KIA and who is KIA's biggest enemy?' Okay, answers later on. (: So after that we sat there and asked quiz about NCC again. Sir Raymond.. Lol, he called for Elias's sister, then i was like, wthell, then i was like 'ohmygod, sir's sister doing in the camp? where where, where ah? Regina you got see?' LOL! Then finally we can leave HQ. I MISS THE PCs AND SIR AND MDM! :( Take care uhhs. (: So after that took bus and went home. In the bus laughed like crazy people with Regina and Jeannie. XD So funny sia! Then after that Jeannie went home, bought McFlurry and took the same bus with Regina then went home. So after that went home damn tired, thats why become today then post. (:
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Tomorrow going camp~
I'll be away from 24 March to 25 March (Camp)
I will miss school and my friends! (:
Monday, 22 March 2010
Happy Birthday Wen Fang!
Okay, hihi. Alright, today went to school. Took the newspaper. Whatever blahs. Then Geography. Hmm.. Okay, then PE. Did exercises, hope this exercise can help me loose weight. :P Then was recess, i'm still water tank, haha, never ever will forget that nickname. Then was Language Arts. Okay, saw babies with down syndrome and hydrocephalus, i think i spelled that right. Then was Science, yeap, i tried to went to understand what it says and okay, i kind of got it. After Science was Maths, Mr Heng came in a our relief teacher for Term 2, i think he speaks too fast, i kind of understand, and after that, he confused me again. Ugh.. I really hope that it won't be like last year Mr Quek's lesson, it would be freaking hell that because of one dumb teacher, my grades fell. Okay, so after that, Bo Han, Jeannie and me went to do Chinese project. Hmm, i think my acting just sucks. So act and act, there are lots of NG. Never in my life that i have once thought that acting was so tiring!
Happy Birthday Wen Fang! Don't anyhow throw my present, must keep it like a precious treasure to you, cause i put in a lot of thoughts and efforts to choose this present for you. :D Okay, happy birthday and hope this birthday has lots and lots of company cause you want to have lots of company, haha. ^^ HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Heh, people, this year don't worry, for my friend, whose birthday, i give you all present, with lots of thoughts in it. (:
Friday, 19 March 2010
I have nothing to say but just one thing, crush and like is two different thing, a crush is when you said you like that person just because of his looks or whatever, and a few days or weeks later, you totally forget who that person is. Like is you have that feel in your heart.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
I just want to be myself, don't force me.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Its seems easy.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Precious Time
Monday, 8 March 2010
Chilli can really kill me.
Sunday, 7 March 2010
'A' for 'Apple'
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Friday, 5 March 2010
Lets start!
Thursday, 4 March 2010
The busy Secondary 2 life
If you read this, feel free to tell me what i have done wrong in a POLITE manner. Thank you. (: