Friday, 14 November 2008

elo...sry 4 nt posting,=(

elo...umph...,okay,i'll talk about the inter-class,our 6J's Captain Ball get 4th place,our soccer boys get 2cnd place.okay,then talk about yesterday,got party,okay then now lets talk about today...okay,today i woke up bathe,actually going to Steph's house but then can't.=(,i doing a card for Mr Chao,then after that i eat me lunch then change everything,then went to school,then the prize giving,wah!sian leh!okay lah okay lah...then after that went to class,Mr Chao say going to give us a surprise!yay!and its a slideshow that he did!^^,THX!Mr Chao!You're the best teacher ever!so watch already,Mr Chao cried AGAIN???Mr Chao don't cry!hais...emotional,yeaFatimah too,i also lahs,but i didn't cry...then after that some of the boys cried too,then after that Faezza also cried...i find it ok ok lahs...although we're going seperate ways,who knows??maybe we can go in same school different class,or maybe even more good!the whole 6J can go in one same school,then same class,then Mr Chao change school come that school teach us again!???hahax!JKJK LAHS!then after that we went home,then i bathe,then watch TV eat dinner,watch TV you know the "Shi Xiong Di"??...then come post...okay then,quite short lahs!I'm gonna miss 6J!!!6J!LOOK HERE!GET IT RIGHT!I"LL MISS YOU GUYS!IN MY HEART WE"RE NEVER APART...

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