Hahas ! Candid ! ;D

Jeannie ! Why you become indian ? o.O

Lols , home's apollo chocolate last one , and i only eat one... Zzz

Hellos ! :] Okayys , lets start ! :] Okayys , yesterday was fun ! :DDDDD But then i did the fitness , i chiong-ed for today's running test :) Then was like so tired , then today wake up at 8am , or not is 7.30am le :D Heeeeees , okahhys , then went to take bus , waited , thought i late x_x then went there , Haaas , havent :DDDDDD Then then went up to bus :) Im very happy , Jeannie came ! :DDD Seriously i need her :DDDD Heeeees , okayys , thenn thenn thenn traffic jam O_O Then we all like so happy ! :X Heeeeees :) Then reach there like 10am+ le , then reach went down , the gate closed ? o.O Wowws , then all happy happy o.O Heeeeees :) Then walked to the track :] Thenn they forget to take the water cooler , left it on the bus , hahas , then teacher call the bus come back . Lols , then they all go take , take le , continue walking :] Thenn walked , then reach ! :DDD Then did warm up , then they realised that the track closed for AYG Participants , then the Security Guard were like thinking , are they representing Singapore ? o.O Then they just let us in , lols . Thenn half-way do training , they all saw the notice , then must go to the pitch le , no running o.O Okayys , then went in did basics , PHEW ! NO RUN ! I WAS SO SCARED THAT I MAY FAIL YOU KNOW ?! D: Thank You GODD ! Terimah Kasih :DD Lols :] Heeeeees :DDDDD Thank you all ! :DDD Teeeeheeees . Okayys :] Then after that did basics , then did pass , then Coach say how to go down , i cant ! x_x Sobs D: Then Wei Ling must teach me :DDD Then show to Coach , lucky i pass , or not Wei Ling must run 5 rounds liaoo x_x Phewss :'D Heeees :] Then after that play game , then play , Coach say i never run to the space , daydreaming o.O Got mehhs o.O Lols , okayys , then after that the people come tell Coach cant use le , so pack up ! :) Today last day of training ehy ? :) Then went up bus , took picture , lols , Jeannie & Me was the only one who LAUGH OUT LOUD ! Haaaaas :) Then reach le , then went to eat Maggie Mee and Cheese Fries , Jeannie bought Nuggets and Cheese Fries ! :DDDD Woooots !~ :DDDDD Heeees :] Then after that eat finish le , then chat while taking bus , then thinking of asking Jeannie whether she wanna play Hockey :DDD Then i remembered , " Wait ! Pause ! If i want to play Hockey , then wheres my stick ?! " OMFG ! I LEFT IT AT THE BUBBLE TEA SHOP , and it was just awhile :] Lucky no people take :DDDDDD Then played , got the drains , so we scared will fall , so lightly lightly :] Then at the last part... Heeees , my fault luhhs :DDDD I tell Jeannie shoot far far , and off it go.................into the drain... Zzz Haaaas :) Lols , then went in very deep lehhs ! x_x Thenn try to take , YUCKKS ! SO DIRTY DUDE ! x_x Then cant liaoo , wasted one hour ! Omfg , then think it wont do , so went to the Bubble Tea Shop and borrow a loooooooooonnnnnnnngggg broom ! :DDD Hahas THANK YOU AUNTIE ! :DDDDDD ^^ Then like still cant... So dirty ! x_x then Jeannie and me keep failing ! D: Then tried to tie the broom and the stick together :DDDDD But tie very loose , so no use... Zzz then got one boy , walann ehy , he so kaopei luhhs... He say he wanna help , go there he wanna play nia ! Give us more trouble ! Zzz He use the broom and the stick keep holding it up... Zzz walao , then he keep saying fuck fuck fuck... Then say people stupid... Zzz , say people stupid ! You cannot then you run ! Say people stupid you take out luhhs ! Walann nnb... You can you take luhhs ! Walann , seriously noob sia that little boy omfg , forget it , dont feel like scolding this kind of kid , maybe he doesnt know... Zzz trouble maker sia him... Jiak bua liao bo tai ji zo sia... Take the stick hit the wall ? knn , that one not my stick luhh horhh ! Bustard... Then the uncle at beside there see us do , lols , then the little boy go liaoo , he then help us , lols , he say he scared the stick the little boy swing will hit his head , haaaas seriously , you can get pretty hurt by that ! Hahas :] Then he help us tie , call we all do , lols , i feel like telling him to do , then was like , aiya , try first , try first , lols , then last part , Jeannie was like feel like giving up earlier on , then followed by me , i cant take it liaoo , its like , we've been there for 2 hours dude . Lols , then i tell the uncle to do , then i was thinking , aiya , i think maybe he cant ba , but he very tall so maybe can , then guess what ?! Jeannnie tell the uncle its coming out slowly ! omfg , today saviour's is the uncle x_x OMFG ! THANK YOU UNCLE ! SOOOOOOO MUCH ! THANK YOU VERY MUCH ! :DDDDDDDDD ^^ Then take wash , then return the broom to the Auntie ! :DDDDDD Thank you ! ^^ XDDDD Heeeeeeees , so dirty lo , the broom , so washed first :] Then washed my stick abit also , then took bus went home , i was like so happy :DDD Hahas , then waiting for the bus , saw the jibai kia going back there... Lols ! He thought we still there ! Hahas ! LOLS ! Too bad luhhs , kid , we dont need your bloody noob help okayys ? Zzz Then took bus , then Jeannie ask me , whats the goal keeper name again ? Then i said........ Conversation time ! :]
Conversation between Jeannie and Liyana about Wasylah
Jeannie : Eh , Liyana , the goalkeeper name is what again ah ?
Liyana : Wasylah
Jeannie : Haiyaa , i keep forgettiing lehh !
Liyana : Aiyaa , i help you to remember
Jeannie : Expression * o.O *
Liyana : First the sequence is "Wa" right ?
Jeannie : Sylah !
Liyana ! Wahh ! See luhh !
Heeeees , sorry Wasylah , we didnt really make fun of your name D: Just trying to remember , and came out with this :D Heees :D Thenn i reached le , then Jeannie ownself in bus D: Okayys , byeeesss :DDDD Then went home , omfg... So tired ! Bathed , then washed the Hockey Ball and Hockey Stick :] Then leave it to dry , prepare Monday's thing ! :DDD OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG ! I CANT WAIT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL DUDES AND BABES ! =DDDDDDDD Heeeeeeeeeees :] Okayys , then on laptop ;D Played facebook , omfg... I deprove in crazy taxi D: Then lalalala , eat dinner , then watch TV , and here i am ! ^^ Heeeees , Okayys , today , i realised that Jeannie is a good friend to have too :] Even though its the hard time , she'll perservere with me ! :DDDDD Just like today , the ball drop inside , she was giving up , and i told her not to , she stayed with me ! :DDD Heeees :]
Thank you to :
-Uncle who helped us take the ball :]
-Auntie who lend us the broom :]
-Jeannie who stayed with me ! :DDDDD
Okayys , byeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssss ! :]