I can see Donavan , Donavan's brother , Alymer , Xin Yang , Ben's face , and Mr Chao only :D

Lols , its the drink bought at Orange Julius , taste like STARBUCKS ! I LOVE STARBUCKS ! :D
Sorry , no pictures ! D: Coz played too fun liaoo , then no take ! Hahas ! :DDD
kk , lets start ! :DDDD Okayys , today woke up at 10am :O Yesterday was tired :D But funn ehys ? :D Then bathed , Stephanie yesterday sms-ed me she cant go D: Okayys , then 11am meet Wei Shan , and off we go to ESCAPE THEME PARK ! :DDDDD We were quite lost O_O Lols , then find our way liaoo luhhs f3 , then went there , omfg... 12 pm , and nobody !!! Rawrrs , okayys , then wait and wait , finally ! :DDD Jia Qi , Jia Qian , Joann & Alymer came ! :DDDD Okayys , then chat , then Xin Yang they all came , then waited for Mr Chao only x_x Lols , then came , then go in ! Woots !~ :D First thing to ride is.................. WET AND WILD ! :DDDDDD Lols , but i didnt ride on , lols , some of them did , coz Wei Shan never go , so i never :DDD Then went to take viking ! Woooooots ! Gagagaga ! My favourite thing in the Escape is that luhhs , i tell you , go there , if no people , i can sit until one hour non-stop ! :DDDDD Then SCRRREEEEEAAAAAAMMMMM !!! Hahas :) Scream like mad ! :D Then sit the mini roller coaster , hahas , funn ehy :PPPP Then after that think went to Haunted House O_O Lols , I LAST ONE !!! grrr , hate to be last... Zzz , last not fun kayys ! You'll be like scared of something , or maybe other not :DDD But i dont like... Then Mr Chao , Jia Qian and me went in the door , wanted to scare the boyys ! HAHHAHAHA ! It was Mr Chao's idea :X Lols f3 Thenn went to Orange Julius , connected to Burger King . Bought the MooLatte O_O Lols , same as STARBUCKS ! wooooots ! I love STARBUCKS ! f3 okayys , then went out , phews... Then went viking agains ! :DDDDD Then woooots ! Screeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmm agains ! :DDDDD Lols , then the rest no want liaoo , then Jia Qi and me want , lols , then tell Wei Shan join ! ^^ Yay !!! :DDDD ^^ So happy , she play with me viking ! Fuuuuuunnn right ? :DDDDD Hehes , then sit the last third ! :DDDD But last one most exciting ones , hahas , but suay , all kana taken D: Then scrreeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmm agains ! HAHAHAHA ! XDDDDD Then the rest waiting for us , hahas :DDDD Then went in Haunted House again , then whole group go ! ^^ yay ^^ :DDDDD I last 3rd... =,= Okayys , quite good luhhs :DD Then follow by Daryl and Mr Chao , hahas then got the real people... Diaoos , then the devil go and scare us , omfg ... Lols , then one part ! Hahas , the devil put his hand over Jia Qi's shoulder , then she dunno , then i call out , Jia Qi , beside you... *Er Hems* Then she screamed , hahas , then the devil like not scary de , not convincing luhhs f3 then i say "Ouhhs , hellos ! Bye bye" Lols , then went almost going out le , at the lab there got one body , i kinda of shout out " On your left ! On your left ! " Hahas ! then i think some of them see , LOLS ! then all shout , hahas :DDD then Mr Chao tried to scare me , f3 , too bad worhh , fail f3 Thenn going out , omfg... got the Pontia+ i dont dare , I go to Jia Qi's side , hahas , coz Wei Shan there very near ! then went out le ^^ then went to play the GoCart ! :DDD Then i the only girl D: Okayys , then waited so long x_x then chatted , hahas , some of them parking that time , drive too fast , then all claps ! HAHAHHA ! Hit the infront one very hard , lols then she come out like buay song like that , hahas :X Then finally ! :DDD Our turn ! LOLS ! i take number 20 , first to go , and woooooots ! First ! Hahas , then i speed all the way dude :PPP Lols , then Mr Chao told me he cant overtake me ! MUAHAHHAHAHAHA ! F3 last time go with Aunty Lily i get 2cnd , hahas , now 1st , improve leii f3 hahas , okayys , then Mr Chao got to go , byeeeeeesssssss then played the spray water thingy one , then i cut queued :X Then the girls behind ^%#$%#&^$%^#$% Lols , then finally our turn ! :DDDDD Heeeeeeees ! Then went in , omfg , got sooooooooooo wettt x_x Then i spray at Wei Shan , hahas ! Then she cant spray me f3 then went to spray at Xin Yang they all ! HAHAHHA ! OMFG ! I got on the spot ! ;D Then Xin Yang was like sooooo wet although he didnt play ! Hahas ! LOLS ! then Ben say i superb f3 Heeees , okayys , then actually wanna play Wei & Wild , then after that think too late le , then went home , bought water first :DDD Lols , then walked to bus stop , saw Jia Qi and Jia Qian :DDDD So took the same bus , chatted :DDDD Then went home , went to 7-11 to buy things first , then went home , bathed ! PHEWS ! The play water one the water all like smelly de , then i used perfume , omfg , make it more worse , felt so fresh after bathing :DDDD Thenn watched TV then eat , then on computer , chatted , the crazy taxi almost win Brandon... =,= by 4K I LOST DUDE !!! F5 !!! :O okayys , then come post ! ^^ :DDDDDD Byeessss ! :)
Tomorrow have test running 6 rounds of CCAB ! D: Pray for me that i'll pass or not i must do extra things(i bet very torturing) for every training UNTIL TORNAMENT IS OVER ! D:
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