Please take note that 18/11/09 is posted on 20/11/09.ALL PHOTOGRAPHY COPYRIGHT!
End of photography
Part B, Jeannie, Puranima or Purani. Sorry i don't know the Part B name!

Jeannie & Surgent Syazwani. Is the spelling correct?

In the boat the driving place

BBQ time!

Yoh yoh yoh!
Hello! Today is 20/11/09. I'm being frank. This is integrity.
So take it that its 18/11/09. Oh! Today, i am so tired! Today reached school went to eat MacDonald with Maizurah & Jeannie. I didn't eat. Not enough money. Reached home. Bathed. There i go. Lie dead like a log on the bed. So good. I can finally have a decent sleep. Lets talk about the first day. 17/11/09 woke up in the morning. Went to school. I'm the first girl. Saw James there. I wonder why other's bag so small while mine is like big and bulky. Can someone just tell me. Its a nuisance with such a big bag. Wait wait wait. Purani and Puranima came. They went to fetch Regina. I finally have some companies. Went to sit at the porch. Went up the bus. Went to Changi Jetty. Took the boat. My bag is so big. I have to squeeze in the door. With alot of things carried in my hands. Took the boat. The peaceful sound. So quiet. The beautiful scenery. Maybe i'll go there with my friends just to walk around. I know, there's nothing much there. Didn't get the chance to took some photos. Reached Pulau Ubin. Went there. Have a short brief. Put our belongings in the van. My shoulders were freed. Feels great. Walked around with Mr Thami with the whole NCC. Yeah, yeah. There were many stray dogs. Surgent Syazwani told me the reason. Hehe. I learnt alot during this camp. So walked, went to the head of Pulau Ubin's house. Then walked to the brother's house. Ate lunch. Cold foods. But its alright. Learnt how to start a fire. Most disgusting. I feel pain for it. You can guess, its not the fire. Finally, we went back to the campsite. We walked there. We walked for how many miles. From back to front, from front to back. But its alright. Reached there. We pitched our tent. I'm not really good at pitching the tent. Hahas. So rest in the tent. Then at night it rained cats and dogs. The thunder is moving towards our campsite, so we have to take shelter. First went to toilet then we got a better place to shelter in. Sit there and listen to guppies stories. Then the weather turned for the better, we head back to the campsite and its Barberque time! Barberqued hotdogs and chicken wings. After eating went to have our shower. The water is totally different from the city. Its dirty. But i really feel uncomfortable. So just took a short shower. After i showered, everything's fine. So went back, pick up litters and everything. Clear up. Then went to sleep. I cant sleep. Maizurah was like texting the whole night. Hahas. So i turned to her side. I was able to sleep. Cause theres some light. I feel better with somelight. I've been tossing around, right to left, left to right and was unable to sleep. Morning woke up. Brushed our teeths. Went back, ate biscuits for breakfast. So unpitched the tent. Our group rolled up and down the tent when packing up, we still can't stuff the tent into the bag, Mr Thami helped us to stuffed it. Hahas. So wait before walking to the Jetty to take boat back to the City. Took alot of photography. The scenes there were great! So walked to the Jetty. In the boat, i took some pictures. I had the opportunity to take it. Reached the Changi Jetty, took bus back to school. I had a short shower in school. I feel so uncomfortable. So Maizurah and Jeannie went to Tampines MacDonald first. I went to look for them afterwards. I was so damn thirsty. Borrowed two dollars from Maizurah to buy water. So went home with Maizurah. Took the same bus. Jeannie took train. So went home. Lie dead on the bed. Slept. Yeah, since i slept. Bye bye.
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