Saturday, 5 June 2010

Reality VS Fairy Tale

This post is freaking long! Do not strain your eyes and rest halfway reading alright? :D

Hi guys. How have you been? Haha, its the first time i asked you guys this, right? Okay, firstly to say that i am really really really very very very very very sorry for not posting my dear blog yesterday. You see, i was very very very tired. Hey, i emphasized so much on the word 'very'. Heh. Please understand.
Secondly, i'll post friday's story then today's. Hey, by the way, i have some pictures! :D This is ice skating pictures. Sorry, i cannot take pictures while ice skating, i know my limits, if i ice skate and take pictures at the same time, i can say bye to my mobile phone. (:

The stairs is really long~

The escalator~ Omg.

Friday, 040610
Today went to remedial and i was late. After remedial went back home. Get ready and everything. Going to meet the rest at MRT station. So went there with Jing Xue and Yong Soon.
Everybody rushed me, so i quickly rushed out of home. Because of this, i forgot to bring my socks and my camera.
Yong Soon, Jing Xue and me reached the place, then i remembered there is no OCBC Bank but only DBS bank. Quickly sms the rest.
Slowly, everybody reached and we took the MRT straightaway. Alighted at Paya Lebar, Circle line then to Stadium.
We went into the Kallang Ice World. Okay. I took some pictures. Bought the tickets and everything. I rushed out of home, forgetting to bring my socks, and so i have to buy the socks for $2. Its so wasted. Urgh.
Went in, wore the ice skating shoes and gloves and then went into the ice ring to start skating.
Okay, the moment one of my foot step onto the ice, i knew this would not be good.
I went in and i can't skate. Devi came to help me. Thanks. :D Then i pulled Devi down because i was falling. But it was unintentionally! Sorry! :D
Then they have to do something to the ice. I don't know, whatever. Then went in back. Seriously, for the whole ice skating, i have been holding onto the handle only. God.
I just don't have that courage to let go. Its the same as life. You must have the courage to let go and be brave, then only that, you can continue with life.
Then after that Mr Goh came and helped. Thanks! ^^ Then i pulled Mr Goh down a lot of times. So sorry. :D It wasn't on purpose. :D
Very fast, we got to go. You know what?
From ice skating, i learnt a lot based on life. You have to let go of the past to continue with the future. Just like how you have to be brave and let go of the handle and have the courage to skate without any help.
I fell a lot of time, i got up by myself, and some with from the help of my friends. It still applies on life.
If you fall, do not give up, stand up by yourself and continue no matter how hurt you are. Yeah, i got hurt like mad and i still can't continue, and somemore i got more afraid.
I got a big fell on my butt and it hurts! I have muscle cramps on my butt, hands and legs. I got the biggest bruise ever in my whole life on my left knee. Yay~ I broke the bruise record~! I got cut on my left elbow and internal bleeding on my pinky.
I'm all weak on my left and strong my right. Why always the weak one getting hurt? Applies the same to life again. If you don't want to continue getting hurt, be the strong one. (:
Then we went to eat KFC for lunch. Then Edbert came. Went to the arcade to play awhile. Just spent $2 on arcade. (: Great friend, Yong Soon, forced me to leave the arcade to help me save money. Hehe. Now we're going to chalet!

Overall, thanks to Devi, Mr Goh, Yong Soon, Fasihah, Wiseley, Putra for the chats and encouragements! :D I have a whole lot of funs! :D

Edbert, Yong Soon, Jing Xue and me headed off to Jing Xue's chalet at Downtown East. We reached Whitesands and bought bubbletea first. Then walked to Jing Xue's chalet. Its a short distance, seriously.
Reached Downtown East and went into the chalet. Went to find the chalet. Then Edbert and Yong Soon wanted to go swimming. Jing Xue and me followed them. See them swim and throw goggles. Haha.
Then they went to eat. I did not eat. Then after that went home. Thanks Yong Soon for escorting me home. Hehe, *embarrassed*. Hey, i know whats going on your minds for some of you. Don't misunderstood! It was already almost 10pm. :D

Saturday, 050610
Hello. Today slept until 3.30pm. Woah. I was really tired. I feel great after waking up! But still, my body aches a lot! Urgh! Went to bathe.
Watched television and then ate dinner. Ate tidbits. Hehe. Then watched television. Then i watched a movie online. It was kind of fairy tale. :D I love it!
Then wthell, as soon as i finished my fairy tale, reality straight away popped out! Omg, this world is really full of cruelty that you cannot deny it. (: Okay, byes!~ :D


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