Friday, 31 July 2009
Hellos . Sorry short post .
Hellos . Sorry . Gotta rush this one . Gonna sleep soon . Just completed my Chinese composition . Today's lessons normal . Skip to NCC :) F U N ~ Hahahahs . I learned how to march and all this . First was for the National Day Marching . Then we did drills . Alrights . Bye for now !
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Science Test . Boo .
Heylos . Lets start . This morning drank milo and ate garlic bread . It was ages since i ate breakfast . Especially at home when going to school . Alright . Went to school . First was LA . 2 periods of it . Went to library to have the drama workshop . ActActAct . Blahhs . Then went down for recess~ Ate . Went back to class . Maths . DoDoDo . Solve solve solve . Then was Science . Got back our test paper . It was really terrible . I shall not tell you . Cause it is seriously terrible . The marks were like . Just terrible . Then went through . Then assembly was delayed . So stayed in class . Then first talked about the class's show . Lalala~ Then went for assembly . Talked about AYG . Nothing much . Skip~ Went to opposite shop . Bought tibits . Off to Jeannie's house ! Saw Maths Pro . Called out for him . Walked to bus stop together . Jeannie , Grace , Maths Pro & Me ! (: Then Maths Pro decided to come to Jeannie's house ! O_O Okayy ! Yay ! The more the merrier :) Grace wanted to go . But cannot make it . Then reached . Went up . Its always the same thing . Said we gonna study . But in the end played . -.-! But of course . We did not play through out :) We did some Maths on Angles . Fortunately Maths Pro was there ! :D *Clapps* Wooohooos ! Cheers for Maths Pro ! :) Then we did . And done ! Yay ! Played a little of PingPong :P Then went home . Bathed . Revise ! Thank you Jeannie for lending me the Maths Book ! It was really useful ! I revised on Algebra . I am really weak at Algebra . Next week there will be a test for Maths on Polygons & Perimeter And Area . So I am gonna put Algebra aside and focus on those 2 chapters during the weekend :) Then ate dinner . Watched TV . On laptop . Played~ Blahhs . And here i am ! :D Byebye .
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
I flunged my D&T test ._.
Heyy yoo ! Wanna start ? (: Went to school . Realise did wrong practice for Maths . Rush through the homework . But of course . I did it in a neat and proper manner :) First was D&T . D&T test ~ I never studied ! And at the end , i flunged it . -.-! Pray ! :( There was one part . S C A M P E R . Hahas . Okayys . D&T , hoped i will pass :D Then was Science . Damn it . Science teacher did not come ! I want to see my Science test results ! Such a pity . There is Science tomorrow . Hope he will come :D Relief teacher gave us worksheets . Did it in a fast manner but neat and some was just done unproperly . Some . Then was recess . Ate . Then went back class . Maths . Did practice . After Maths was LA . Did summaries . Watched part of Medagascar . Was it spelled that way ? Hees :D Then was IH . Did poem about volcano . The poem that i wrote does not rhyme ! Ms Reenu took my paper and read it ! First part she said was nice , then when it was at the last part . Stop . Hahas ! XD Thank you Ms Reenu for appreciating my poem :D Hees :D After IH , there would be a remedial for Maths . It was suppose to start at 1.30pm . But since some of us wanted to eat lunch . Sure . 2pm :) Then ate . Went up . Luckily Shawn went ! Or else i would be so lonely :( And practice all . Then went home . Bathed . Then prepared everything ! Finally ! My shelf and bag is neatly cleared ! Phewws ! Then on computer . Watched about Johnny Yan Xing Shu again ! Hahas ! He was with Angela Zhang Shao Han . Thinking they would be a couple ? Hahas . They're good friends . Couple... Good chance :) Ate dinner . And here i am ! :) Byes .
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
D&T Test tomorrow and i have yet not study !

He acted as the Coach in 'The Champion'

♥ My MVP Valentine ♥

Background on his blog . Became my desktop background ! XD LOLOL !
Heylos ! :D Lets start . Went to school . Bought egg sandwhich . Ate . Went up to class . First was Mother Tongue . Damn ! I forgot to bring my chinese digital dictionary ! But i think i got through :) Then was IH . Go through worksheets . I understand part of it :D Then was recess . Omg . Damn Jeannie . She hit my back ! It was so painful ! Then planned on my revenge ! Muahahas ! Lols . Playing . Relax . Then was music ! Yay ! Watched funny videos ! Hahas ! It was funny ! (: Then was D&T . We've finally going to start on practicals . But problem is there is a test tomorrow . And i totally clean forgot about it ! Just pray tomorrow's test would be an easy one :'D Then went back to class . STAR . Watched finished the movie 'Liar Liar' :) Then wanted to do the STAR lesson worksheet . STAR lesson worksheets sucks to the core . Freak . Went home . Bathed . Ate . On laptop . Then tired . So went to rest on the bed . Never did i thought that i would lie dead on my bed into my dreamland~ LOL ! Then woke up at 7.30pm . Ate donuuuuutss~ :) Then did Maths Homework . And on Facebook . & here i am ! (: Byes ! :D
Johnny Yan Xing Shu x3 !
Monday, 27 July 2009
Hehes ! I've changed my link ! Do relink ehy ?! Thanks ! :D Thanks to Eugenia who taught me ! ^^
Relink me at -
Thank you ! :D
Hellos . Today went to school . FTT . Read newspaper . Then was P.E . Then played Volleyball :D Played with Hockey Secondary 2 , some of them :D Together with Jansen :D Played very fun . Then i went to basketball court . Wanting to play basketball . But never have the chance . Its ok :) Then it was IH . Just did some worksheets . I was totally damn sleepy . Wanted to sleep so much . Wonder what would happen to tomorrow's D&T :X Okayys . Then was recess . Drank two packets of Milo . Muahahas . Lols . Then too full :X Cause ate egg tart too . Hahas ! Then Wen Fang and me accompanied Jeannie to get her Maths book . Think we're gonna be late :X Fortunately , we did not . (: Then dododo . Got homework . Okayys . Wednesday . Time~ :D Cause there are other more homeworks to do ._. Okayys . Then was MT . Did workbook and the letter writing . Feeling sleepy . Then was LA . Thinking that we would be going to the library and do our acting . Then that would wake me up . In the end , realising that we're not going -.-! Neverminds . Then dismissed . Then followed Wen Fang to the library . Waited till 2pm . Wen Fang did the quiz . I stay around . Then finally did finish :) Then it was 3pm . So decided to stay back till 3.30pm . Then went to Bubble Tea Shop :) It was not me whom bought the foods there . Hahas ! Lols . It was Wen Fang . I bought chips :) Went home . Bathed . Rest and ate . On computer . And blahhs . Ate dinner . I have nothing to do . Went to watch My MVP Valentine . Hahas . Just watched some parts . I just think Johnny Yan Xing Shu's face is too... You cannot explain that feeling . Just cannnot take his picture face off my mind ! But it does help me . When i think about something bad , and to think about his face . It just gave me peace and comfort :) Alright . Bye :D
Thank you ! :D
Hellos . Today went to school . FTT . Read newspaper . Then was P.E . Then played Volleyball :D Played with Hockey Secondary 2 , some of them :D Together with Jansen :D Played very fun . Then i went to basketball court . Wanting to play basketball . But never have the chance . Its ok :) Then it was IH . Just did some worksheets . I was totally damn sleepy . Wanted to sleep so much . Wonder what would happen to tomorrow's D&T :X Okayys . Then was recess . Drank two packets of Milo . Muahahas . Lols . Then too full :X Cause ate egg tart too . Hahas ! Then Wen Fang and me accompanied Jeannie to get her Maths book . Think we're gonna be late :X Fortunately , we did not . (: Then dododo . Got homework . Okayys . Wednesday . Time~ :D Cause there are other more homeworks to do ._. Okayys . Then was MT . Did workbook and the letter writing . Feeling sleepy . Then was LA . Thinking that we would be going to the library and do our acting . Then that would wake me up . In the end , realising that we're not going -.-! Neverminds . Then dismissed . Then followed Wen Fang to the library . Waited till 2pm . Wen Fang did the quiz . I stay around . Then finally did finish :) Then it was 3pm . So decided to stay back till 3.30pm . Then went to Bubble Tea Shop :) It was not me whom bought the foods there . Hahas ! Lols . It was Wen Fang . I bought chips :) Went home . Bathed . Rest and ate . On computer . And blahhs . Ate dinner . I have nothing to do . Went to watch My MVP Valentine . Hahas . Just watched some parts . I just think Johnny Yan Xing Shu's face is too... You cannot explain that feeling . Just cannnot take his picture face off my mind ! But it does help me . When i think about something bad , and to think about his face . It just gave me peace and comfort :) Alright . Bye :D
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Me & My Wild Imagination .
Hies . Today morning bathed . Straight away on lappy and watched My MVP Valentine ! :D Lols . Although watched countless of times :) But still made me cried countless of times :) & from Fridat till Sunday ! Woots ! 28 episodes managed with in 3 days ! Yeahh ! Nahh . Sorry . Dont feel like explaining you about the story :) Sorry :) Then watched . Blahhs . Did Ace-Learning . Then nothing to do . Skip~ Ate dinner . Played Facebook . Blahhs~ Skipp~ & Here i am ! (: Byes .
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Suddenly , i felt very matured . Am i ?
Hi guys . Sorry for not posting these few days :) I was watching the My MVP Valentine . Hahas . It was a great show :D The show made me cried countless times :) And the show made me realise that i've been quite immatured this few years . Hahas . Nahh . Sorry . I wont be posting for the missed out days :) So do pardon alrights ? Thanks . Duan Chenfeng , Tian Yuxi , Fan Liu Hua . They were the ones . Hahas . I seriously love Taiwan lots :) But Singapore is the one :D How i wished i could just straight away immigrate to Taiwan ehys ? Hahas . Alright . Enough of my wild imaginations . Hahas . Sorry for not posting . Thanks for understanding . Bye bye .
Oh yeahhs . I'll be posting later on at night :)
Oh yeahhs . I'll be posting later on at night :)
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Heylooo Heylooo ! :D The real post is here ! (:
Heyloos . Today went to school . First was LA . Ms Lim brought us to the library ! Yay ! Did the drama . Benjamin , Eldon , Jeannie and me in same group . The people chose the groups for us . So just act . First plan and blahhs . Lols . Then acted . Hahas ! So funny . Keep laughing . Lols . Then serious . Benjamin became the dead father ._. We cried for him manns ! Eldon so evil . Stand there watch only . Hahas . Just kidding ! Then recess . Cause LA was two period ! Hahas ! 2 whole hour in library ! Yay ! Then recess . Ate . Then went up . Maths . Ran down to locker to take books . Lucky i was early first . Mr Goh knew i came in early . I asked permission ! :D Then went in . The latecomers punished outside :X Then dododo . Homework i do until left one question . LOL! Hahas . It was a piece of cake :D Then was Science . Hahas ! Got Science Test . I felt like it was easy ._. Who knows ehy ? (: Then assembly . Hahas . Played games in the hall . Racial Harmony :D We play play . Eat eat . Then dismissed ! Then went to opposite shop to buy things . Then Jeannie say no want to go to Hockey Match . O; Then i never go also ._. Sorry WeiLing ! x_x Never go again :( Then went home . Bathed . Took one whole hour to on the desktop . Its abit of problem sometimes ._. Then onlined . Argued with the idiot . You know . Argueing with him is can die one . Unreasonable . No logic . Argue with him will pekcek one i tell you . Okayys . Then i told Eldon . Tomorrow argue . He no want ?! -.-! He keep on blahh blahh blahh . I dont care . Read and anyhow . Lols . He wasted my 2 hour just because he dont wanna argue face to face . & Finally . At 7pm . He stopped ! -.-! Phewws ! :'D Then ate dinner . & here i am ! :D Alrights . Byes .
The prince is scaring the girl .
This post . Every single word is for Eldon Gwee .
Eldon . If you dont wanna read , neverminds . I dont care . But i deserve to post this out .
Eldon .
You say i act right ?
Fine .
Lets rewind .
Who took my pencilcase yesterday and went home without giving it back ?
It was you . Eldon Gwee .
Who followed me everyday to the bus stop where im going home at with his friend ?
It was you . Eldon Gwee .
Who went to the bus stop where im going home at and pulled my hair and then run away today ?
It was you . Eldon Gwee .
Stop being a stalker alright ?
Hahs .
Say im childish ?
Look whos talking .
The 3 points up there .
It was you being the childish one .
I like to be childish .
So ? Your problem ? You care ? Who are you ?
You're just a normal friend of mine .
Insulting me ?
Think you have attitude problem is it ?
Using your brother account to insult me ?
You are just using online as an excuse .
In school , have you ever said to me like that ?
No . So if you wanna say all those words .
Please kindly say it to me face to face .
You said my friends talk bad about me ? Since when ?
I know you're just gonna argue with your bloody nonsense .
Hey . Just tell you . You're more childish than me .
& saying that im acting ?
There is just somethings i knew .
I just dont wanna tell .
Coz if i say it out .
You will be in deep trouble .
Everybody would hate you .
You the one acting and you say me ?
You banned me in your tagboard and then type in that im childish .
You're pissing me off with your childish attitude .
Ask yourself . What kind of attitude you have in class ?
I admit . I got childish behaviour in class . So ?
You got but you dont admit and somemore say other people .
Please . Go ask yourself .
Keep telling me to ask myself this and that ?
Please . I trust my friends ._.
Not like you .
Backstabber . Hypocrite .
Eldon .
You say i act right ?
Fine .
Lets rewind .
Who took my pencilcase yesterday and went home without giving it back ?
It was you . Eldon Gwee .
Who followed me everyday to the bus stop where im going home at with his friend ?
It was you . Eldon Gwee .
Who went to the bus stop where im going home at and pulled my hair and then run away today ?
It was you . Eldon Gwee .
Stop being a stalker alright ?
Hahs .
Say im childish ?
Look whos talking .
The 3 points up there .
It was you being the childish one .
I like to be childish .
So ? Your problem ? You care ? Who are you ?
You're just a normal friend of mine .
Insulting me ?
Think you have attitude problem is it ?
Using your brother account to insult me ?
You are just using online as an excuse .
In school , have you ever said to me like that ?
No . So if you wanna say all those words .
Please kindly say it to me face to face .
You said my friends talk bad about me ? Since when ?
I know you're just gonna argue with your bloody nonsense .
Hey . Just tell you . You're more childish than me .
& saying that im acting ?
There is just somethings i knew .
I just dont wanna tell .
Coz if i say it out .
You will be in deep trouble .
Everybody would hate you .
You the one acting and you say me ?
You banned me in your tagboard and then type in that im childish .
You're pissing me off with your childish attitude .
Ask yourself . What kind of attitude you have in class ?
I admit . I got childish behaviour in class . So ?
You got but you dont admit and somemore say other people .
Please . Go ask yourself .
Keep telling me to ask myself this and that ?
Please . I trust my friends ._.
Not like you .
Backstabber . Hypocrite .
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Esplanade ! Today laugh till stomach cramps !!! XD LOL!
All pictures from here are at ~ (: ~Esplanade~
To Eldon . I PURPOSELY put this picture FIRST ! LOL !
Edbert & Bevan . Hahas . One adorable one cool ! LOL !
Bevan , Eldon & Benjamin ! Go Bevan & Benjamin ! Eldon , you sleeping ? o.O

Wen Fang ! What happened ?! ;O
To Eldon . I PURPOSELY put this picture FIRST ! LOL !

Edbert & Bevan . Hahas . One adorable one cool ! LOL !

Bevan , Eldon & Benjamin ! Go Bevan & Benjamin ! Eldon , you sleeping ? o.O

Wen Fang ! What happened ?! ;O
Superwomann x3 loads !
Yeahhs ! At the Esplanade rooftop terrace . Can see the "durian" behind rights ? Hahas
Mei x3 loads !.jpg)
Nice yeahhs ?! :D
Another photography ! :P
Hahas ! Mr Goh said this was like the gangster movie picture ! Hahas ! XD
Bevan~ :P
Charan Supermann ! Woot ! :P

Baobeii ! x3 loads !
Pissed out yo ! LOL !

I look ._.
Yeahhs ! At the Esplanade rooftop terrace . Can see the "durian" behind rights ? Hahas
Mei x3 loads !
Nice yeahhs ?! :D
Another photography ! :P
Hahas ! Mr Goh said this was like the gangster movie picture ! Hahas ! XD
Bevan~ :P
Charan Supermann ! Woot ! :P

Baobeii ! x3 loads !
Pissed out yo ! LOL !

I look ._.
Heyloos ! :D Today laugh till peng manzxcxz ! XD Hahas . Lets start ! :D Today went to school . D&T ;O Just draw out plans and alls . Then was Science ! There is a test tomorrow ! ;O I dont get what teacher is teaching sometimes :X Then recess . Eat . Then Shawn said a joke again ! Hahas ! XD Then went up . Was Maths . Mr Goh did not come to school because there is a exam or something . Then relief teacher came . Did the worksheets . Never do finish . Was talking and laughing and argueing like crazy girls between Wen Fang , Jeannie and me ! Hahas ! XD Then teacher show us video . Funny & Horror . Hahs . (: Then was LA . Ms Lim came . Mr Sekhar never come again ._. Yay ! Tomorrow we gonna act ! Muahaha ! :P Then is IH . Packed everything . Went down to put books . Then went to locker ! Omfg ! My things were all stuffed into one small room of locker ! Ahhs ! Then went out to buy things . Then went back . Went to porch . Assemble . And there we go ! Yay ! Then in the bus . Omfg . Shawn , Jeannie & me laugh like mad manzxcxz ! Hahas ! We keep laughing about the '999' & Eldon's nickname - okiahmah . LOL ! HAHA ! I laughed till peng sia ! Lols ! Then reach there . Went down still laugh . LOL ! I just love it this way ! (: Then was --- Tour ~ Then the person talk . Then went to the terrace rooftop to see a clearer view of the "durian" . Lols . Then i took Eldon's retarded face ! Hahas ! The picture is on top ! ;D Hahas ! Then finally went to watch the show . Just a short show they said ._. && the emotions are ; sad , angry , happy , funny , worried - Hahas . Lols . Then the person say whether we can improve on it . Then people volunteer to go out and act . Lols . Of course its East View students :) Then the first one like so ._. Lols . Then follow follow . Getting better and better . Until teacher go up and act manzxcxz ! Hahas ! Then end . Then went out . Took pictures ! :DDDD Then while waiting for bus i heard Putra sing the "Because of you" Then i said to Eldon & Edbert "Because of you ! ........................ I ate cheeseburger!" Then went up bus . Laughed again ! This time laugh like crazy ! Laughed about Eldon's nickname "okiahmah" LOLS! Then i told Bevan about all the "999" things . All . Hahas ! Then laughed like crazy sia ! Then went down bus . Continued to laugh abit :X LOL ! Then went home . Then went the bus came . Bevan & Eldon at the opposite bus stop mahhs . They message me they got my pencilcase ?! Wtf ?! Damn irritated ! I dont give a damn and just boarded the bus . Then went home . Bought dinner . Then went home bathed . Eat . On computer . Damn that bloody freaking retarded kid . The pencilcase he say tomorrow dont wanna bring to school . -.-! && Brandon ! You drew ! Omfg ! You're dead meat ! >l:C LOLS! Okayys . Then thats all luhhs . :D Byes !
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Happy Racial Harmony Day ! (:
Found this on Yahoo! Racial Harmony Day ! :D

Aww . Just a random picture which i love it :) I hate vegetables . At sometimes :D
Yohhs ! Happy Racial Harmony Day ! (: Lets start alrights . Alright . Hmm , lets see whats the dishes for today~ :D Today went to school . I brought my costume and all . Then went to class . Wait for Jeannie and went down to change . Then changed then Mdm Santha came and blahhblahhs :X So Jeannie & me quickly changed . Just left with the shoes ? O_O LOL! Hahs . (: Grace wore a pink Kebaya . I wore greenish & bluish :D Hehs . Very nice ! It looked perfect on Grace ! :D Then Jeannie wore Japanese Clothes . Then she not comfortable with it . Cause the back 'pillow' was not tight . O_O Then went into class . Omfg . Its super duper huper extremely warm ! I cant take it ! ;O Okayys . First was FTT . Then MT . Go through workbook & thats all . Then was IH . Go through worksheets . & thats all . Then was recess . Drank Milo & Chocolate drink ! 2 packets as counted . I was really sleepy . Somemore next was D&T which was gonna be a sleepy lesson . So just draw out the front , end , plan . Blahhs . Then was FTT . Jeannie changed back to Japanese Costumes ! Woots ! XD Cause its rather warm you see ._. Then went to take class photo ! :D Woahhs . Took it at the staircase ! I bet it would be a great picture ! :D Then went back . Watched 'Liar Liar' . Lols . Mr Goh has no choice ._. Then class wanted to watch it . Then theres a part where i think it rock dude ! ;D The lady pointed _l_ at the man ! Woohoos ! You rock girl ! :D Then dismissed . It was damny warm ! So decided to change to uniform . Went down with Grace x3 . Then changed . Then went to library find Jeannie & Wen Fang :D We do homeworks together ! Yayys ! :D Doing homework with friends is fun alright ! :D Then dododo . Left one question ! :P Did halfway . Edbert & Yong Soon came in . Then told Edbert to do ! Hahas . Must do :D Cause Mr Goh gave us a chance to hand it up later :) So dododo . Edbert do so fast ._. Then Edbert & Yong Soon teached me ! HoHo ! :P Then went to bubble tea shop . Wanted to buy things eat . Jeannie bought potato chips . Eat . Edbert bought potato chips . Eat . Then when i wanted to buy , i realised my purse was GONE GONE GONE GONE GONEEEEE !!! Omfg . I was like super worried . Omfg . What am i suppose to do ?! Then just ran back to school . Search at library & class . Dont have ! ._. Then went back to Jeannie & Yong Soon with Edbert . Checked properly . OHH ! SO IT WAS IN MY PLASTIC BAG ! :X LOL ! How retarded i am ;X Then Jeannie went home first . Edbert & me bought Oreo Spin , ohhs . Jeanie bought it earlier on :) Then went home . Edbert took different bus . So byes :D Then Yong Soon & me went home by bus together . Then went home . Bathed . And there i go ! My whole body is dead on the bed ~~~ :P Slept till 7pm for dinner . Currently kinda of sleepy ;O Then ate dinner . & Here i am ! (: Byes ! :D
Btws , Eldon . Just a short message here :
Its my mouth :) & I dont bother to talk with a retard kid ._.

Found this on Yahoo! Racial Harmony Day ! :D

Aww . Just a random picture which i love it :) I hate vegetables . At sometimes :D
Yohhs ! Happy Racial Harmony Day ! (: Lets start alrights . Alright . Hmm , lets see whats the dishes for today~ :D Today went to school . I brought my costume and all . Then went to class . Wait for Jeannie and went down to change . Then changed then Mdm Santha came and blahhblahhs :X So Jeannie & me quickly changed . Just left with the shoes ? O_O LOL! Hahs . (: Grace wore a pink Kebaya . I wore greenish & bluish :D Hehs . Very nice ! It looked perfect on Grace ! :D Then Jeannie wore Japanese Clothes . Then she not comfortable with it . Cause the back 'pillow' was not tight . O_O Then went into class . Omfg . Its super duper huper extremely warm ! I cant take it ! ;O Okayys . First was FTT . Then MT . Go through workbook & thats all . Then was IH . Go through worksheets . & thats all . Then was recess . Drank Milo & Chocolate drink ! 2 packets as counted . I was really sleepy . Somemore next was D&T which was gonna be a sleepy lesson . So just draw out the front , end , plan . Blahhs . Then was FTT . Jeannie changed back to Japanese Costumes ! Woots ! XD Cause its rather warm you see ._. Then went to take class photo ! :D Woahhs . Took it at the staircase ! I bet it would be a great picture ! :D Then went back . Watched 'Liar Liar' . Lols . Mr Goh has no choice ._. Then class wanted to watch it . Then theres a part where i think it rock dude ! ;D The lady pointed _l_ at the man ! Woohoos ! You rock girl ! :D Then dismissed . It was damny warm ! So decided to change to uniform . Went down with Grace x3 . Then changed . Then went to library find Jeannie & Wen Fang :D We do homeworks together ! Yayys ! :D Doing homework with friends is fun alright ! :D Then dododo . Left one question ! :P Did halfway . Edbert & Yong Soon came in . Then told Edbert to do ! Hahas . Must do :D Cause Mr Goh gave us a chance to hand it up later :) So dododo . Edbert do so fast ._. Then Edbert & Yong Soon teached me ! HoHo ! :P Then went to bubble tea shop . Wanted to buy things eat . Jeannie bought potato chips . Eat . Edbert bought potato chips . Eat . Then when i wanted to buy , i realised my purse was GONE GONE GONE GONE GONEEEEE !!! Omfg . I was like super worried . Omfg . What am i suppose to do ?! Then just ran back to school . Search at library & class . Dont have ! ._. Then went back to Jeannie & Yong Soon with Edbert . Checked properly . OHH ! SO IT WAS IN MY PLASTIC BAG ! :X LOL ! How retarded i am ;X Then Jeannie went home first . Edbert & me bought Oreo Spin , ohhs . Jeanie bought it earlier on :) Then went home . Edbert took different bus . So byes :D Then Yong Soon & me went home by bus together . Then went home . Bathed . And there i go ! My whole body is dead on the bed ~~~ :P Slept till 7pm for dinner . Currently kinda of sleepy ;O Then ate dinner . & Here i am ! (: Byes ! :D
Btws , Eldon . Just a short message here :
Its my mouth :) & I dont bother to talk with a retard kid ._.
Monday, 20 July 2009
I slept at 3am today ._.
Heylos :) Yesterday slept at 3am ._. Coz i drank the coffee from Mac Cafe yesterday at 7pm -.-! Okayys . Lets start . I woke up 10 minutes earlier by force . ;O *Yawnz* Okayys . Then went to school . Blahhs . Then was P.E ! Yayys ! :P Hahas . P.E was okayys . Ran with Wen Fang x3 & Jeannie x3 Hehs :D Then Wen Fang & Jeannie run so fast . ;O My leg cant bend . Its just a little of pain , yeahhs ? Hahas :) Then still catched up luhhs . (: Hehs . Then played with Ah Gong x3 volley ball . Play very good ! :D Try playing again at the next P.E ! :D Okayys . Then went back , waiting for IH teacher . It was IH period :) Eldon took the broom and sweep my face ?! Eww ! Thats disgusting dude ! Then after he did that he still pull my hair ;O Neverminds . Its can always be re-tied . (: But it took me 30 minutes . -.-! I did not brought my comb ._. Okayys . Hahas . Then Eldon got punished to stand at the back . Lols . Okayys . Then soon was recess ! Yeahhs ! :D Quicly washed my mouth . Go buy milo to drink . Sticks for Wen Fang . (: Then just walked around to finish up drinking my milo :) Then brought up the Sticks . Yeahhs . I knew the teacher saw me ._. Lols . Then so just went up to library . Gave Wen Fang Sticks . But of course . She never eat in the library okayys . (: Then played computer awhile . Then went down to buy Sticks for myself ! Hehs . Hungry ._. Then teacher saw me && blahblahhs . But i told him i brought home to eat ! (: And of course . I did not eat during lessons time or in class or whatever . (: I ate it at Jeannie's house :D Hahs . Okayys . Back to page 98 :) Jeannie's house is on page 101 alright ? :D Okayys . Then it was Maths . Alright ! I got 90% . Okayys . Yesterday when i was doing the quiz was total absurd . I dont wanna talk about it ;O Okayys . Then got some never do D; Then just sketch , solve problems . Then was MT . Yeahhs . Whatever . Gotta get punished with the whole class . Whatever . Then teacher misunderstood me for talking . -.-! I sibei suay sia . He still give me a stare ._. Okayys . Then was LA . Mr Sekhar did not come ._. The class went chaos without Mr Sekhar . Cause only got Ms Lim . -.-! Then did test ;O I no prepare :X Then waited for Jansen to go for the Hockey Match . Then wth ?! He then told us he not going ?! Wtf ! ;O Then we missed the bus ! x_x Sorry Wei Ling ! D: Then went to Bubble Tea Shop and eat maggie with Jing Xue , Jeannie & Yong Soon :D Then Jing Xue went back school . So took same bus with Jeannie & Yong Soon . I went to Jeannie's house :) In bus Jeannie and me were like talking like mad girls ! O_O Just love to chat with Jeannie on the bus like that ! XD Hahas . Okayys .Then reached there . She wore her Japanese Costume ! O_O But it looked so adorable on Jeannie manzxzxz ! XD Hehes :D Then just played abit of computer . && Jeannie and me go write on Eldon's blog ! Hahas ! XD Was trying to play a joke with him . & He just MSN-ED me say that i was insulting . Yeahhs . Blahhs . Go ahead and hate me all you want . I dont give a damn to you this kind of friend ._. I only said about his maple ? ._. Okayys && so did homework . Finished Chinese . Left Maths and D&T D; . Maths actually can Wednesday hand up . But Mr Goh wants it tomorrow ._. So as the Maths Rep . Have to set good examples . So have to do it ! (: Played awhile and went home . Late ! ._. Bathed .
MSN-ED Eldon . And there he goes . Yeahhs . Whatever . Eldon . I do i dare to say i did it . Its just a prank . Calm down ? Who says i dont dare to admit ? Then what do you expect me to say ? After i tagged about you and then the next minute to call you and said " Ehh ! Eldon ! I scolded vulgarities to you on your blog ! Yayy ! *^^* " What ? Hurhhs ? Like that . Then its no longer a prank . You said you can take Bevan's joke & not mine ? Just what kind of logic is that ? You're just being unreasonable . But on your friends things . I did not do it . Im sorry then if i have hurt you or something else . You just gave me a feeling that you dont deserve my "sorry" . (: Hate me all you want ! (: I dont give a fucking damn to lose you this kind of friend . :)
Okayys . Then eat dinner . Then do homework currently . Hahas . && So i am here now ! :) Byes ! :D
MSN-ED Eldon . And there he goes . Yeahhs . Whatever . Eldon . I do i dare to say i did it . Its just a prank . Calm down ? Who says i dont dare to admit ? Then what do you expect me to say ? After i tagged about you and then the next minute to call you and said " Ehh ! Eldon ! I scolded vulgarities to you on your blog ! Yayy ! *^^* " What ? Hurhhs ? Like that . Then its no longer a prank . You said you can take Bevan's joke & not mine ? Just what kind of logic is that ? You're just being unreasonable . But on your friends things . I did not do it . Im sorry then if i have hurt you or something else . You just gave me a feeling that you dont deserve my "sorry" . (: Hate me all you want ! (: I dont give a fucking damn to lose you this kind of friend . :)
Okayys . Then eat dinner . Then do homework currently . Hahas . && So i am here now ! :) Byes ! :D
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Happy Birthday To Wei Shan ! Piglet ! <3
Hellos :) Lets start ! :D Woke up at 12.30pm :) Went to bathe and eat :D Then see cousin play laptop at the living room . Hahas . So fun leh :P Then i do homework . Then i play ! :D Hehe , thanks ! :D Then brother let me play , so cousin can play too ! :D Then chats . Lols . FRIENDS FOR SALE ! Hehs :P By the ways , great news peeps . I bought Eldon ! Yay ! :D Then soon went home ._. Then alight the bus . Bought things . Went home . Ate :) Lalala . && here i am ! :D Currently on FRIENDS FOR SALE ! :D
I think you guys would like this post ? Cause its kinda of short :D
Hahs , or maybe some of you dont :X
Hahas , okayys . Its you . I dont know ! Byes :)
Gonna do Ace-Learning soon ! (:
Hellos :) Lets start ! :D Woke up at 12.30pm :) Went to bathe and eat :D Then see cousin play laptop at the living room . Hahas . So fun leh :P Then i do homework . Then i play ! :D Hehe , thanks ! :D Then brother let me play , so cousin can play too ! :D Then chats . Lols . FRIENDS FOR SALE ! Hehs :P By the ways , great news peeps . I bought Eldon ! Yay ! :D Then soon went home ._. Then alight the bus . Bought things . Went home . Ate :) Lalala . && here i am ! :D Currently on FRIENDS FOR SALE ! :D
I think you guys would like this post ? Cause its kinda of short :D
Hahs , or maybe some of you dont :X
Hahas , okayys . Its you . I dont know ! Byes :)
Gonna do Ace-Learning soon ! (:
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Internet success ! Woohooos ! :D
Hellos . Currently , i cant bend my left knee . -.-! Kaess , lets start . Today morning or should i say afternoon instead ? Hehs . Woke up at 12pm . Lols . Okahhs . Then bathed . Then ate . On computer . Message Stephanie & Wei Shan about meeting . :D Then off computer . Stephanie cant make it ! :'( Cause we gonna
to give Wei Shan her birthday present ! :D Then i was late ! x_x Sorry ! Then give Wei Shan her birthday present . Hehs . Guess what is it ? Hehs . It was a
to give Wei Shan her birthday present ! :D Then i was late ! x_x Sorry ! Then give Wei Shan her birthday present . Hehs . Guess what is it ? Hehs . It was a
MYUK PENCIL CASE ! Hehs . She says she like it ! ^^ && Im glad :D Hehe . Okayys . Then went to Macs meet brother and mother . Ate Macs . Then went to Grandma's house . :D Then played lappy :D Hahs . Played Facebook . Played Friends For Sale ! Lols . Looks like im addicted to it ? ._. LOL! Hahs . Okayys . Then Eldon keep buying my pets ! Then he buy me , my cousin buy me . Lols . Then he earned , we lose ._. We buy , he buy . -.-! Lols . Then I buy Eldon . Then got this Arab guy . LOL ! I buy Eldon , he buy back ?! Then keep buying back . Then make Eldon's value increase . Lols . Eldon is so cheap ~ Hahs . Okayys . Then eat . ~ As if ~ Hehs . Then Internet fail . x_x Then watch TV . Hehs . Cousin & brother help to do the Internet ! XD Hehe . Thanks ! :D Then just on Facebook . && Here i am ! :D Okayys . Byes ! Off to ~Friends For Sales~ Hahas . Byes .
Friday, 17 July 2009
Today was PEACE yo !
Heylooooooooooooooos :) Yohh ! Today was P E A C E ! (: Cause Eldon did not come ? O_O Hehs . Peace out yo ! Alright , lets start . (: Went to school . FTT . Read books . Boring . Then Chinese . I had brought the wrong textbook . -.-! Then we had to do this composition which i did not really put in much effort . Cause i was suuuuuupppppeeeeeeerr sleeeeeeeepppppyyyy ~ at that time . O: *Yawnz* Then was Science . Did workbook . At least there are 6 to 8 pages . -.-! Teacher said who could not finish the workbook have to stayback for recess . And so Lin Yu , Grace , Wen Fang , Jeannie & Me cant complete . By the time we complete it , recess was soon gonna over . -.-! I was super hungry ! Grhh . So told Aisha to buy for us snacks :D && She took quite a long time . Okahhs , she needa eat her foods too :) Then she went up , she forgot to buy my milo ! Omfg . At that point of time i was thinking "Where am i gonna get the energy now ?!" Goshh . Then it was Art . (: Hahs . That guailan teacher never come ! Yayys ! :D Then relief teacher came . Hahs . Sit at Edbert's seat then teacher nag & nag at Edbert . Lols . Sorry ! :D Then i draw the manipulation . Burnt ! CAO DA ! Hahahaha ! Lols . Okahhs . Then it was Maths . Then just sketch and then do the questions . Then after that realised that Hockey Training was cancelled . O_O Umphhs , okayys . Then went to bubble tea shop to buy maggie :D Jeannie accompany awhile then went home . Grace at there ! :D Then after eating , went to Tampines Mall . Hehs . Guess what im doing there hurhhs ? Hahas . I went to buy birthday gift for WEI SHAN PIGLET X3333333 ! ^^ :DDDDD Love her forever :DDDD Love Eeyor Stephanie forever ! ^^ :DDDDD Hehs . Cant tell you guys what i bought first :) Surprise ehy ? :D Okahhs . Then went home . On computer . Then went to bathe . Then bathed already , saw my wound . The ulcer stuck underneath my skin . -.-! Which means not totally recover . Then squeeze everything ooooouuuuuuutttttt ! && everything came out :D Hahs . Disgusting though . Then blahhs . Cooked dinner . Hahs . (: Then blahhs . Played . && here i am ! :) Okahhs . Byes ! :D
Do you realise how much more peaceful my post is without Eldon around ? Yeahhs :D
Do you realise how much more peaceful my post is without Eldon around ? Yeahhs :D
Thursday, 16 July 2009
This post is to one DOG in my class .
The dog is call Eldon .
Nice name yeahhs ? (:
Such a perfect name for a dog ! :D
You know what ?
He says about one video .
He says that im wrong .
He says that i am stupid .
Then when i show him the evidence ,
He call me cb dog ?
Wtf .
Then after that he said that im childish .
Then he lose in argueing of cause say back luhh !
Then he lose liaoo hum ji .
He go delete me in MSN .
Hum ji then next time see before saying luhh !
Say people cb dog .
Today say me cb dog .
Somemore lose liao then go hide in one corner like a coward .
Nabei .
Today's post is below this post . -.-!
Nice name yeahhs ? (:
Such a perfect name for a dog ! :D
You know what ?
He says about one video .
He says that im wrong .
He says that i am stupid .
Then when i show him the evidence ,
He call me cb dog ?
Wtf .
Then after that he said that im childish .
Then he lose in argueing of cause say back luhh !
Then he lose liaoo hum ji .
He go delete me in MSN .
Hum ji then next time see before saying luhh !
Say people cb dog .
Today say me cb dog .
Somemore lose liao then go hide in one corner like a coward .
Nabei .
Today's post is below this post . -.-!
Heyyyyloooooos ! :)
Yohhs ! Hahs . Lets start . Today woke up . Omfg . Damn tired . I currently now sleepy le :X Okayys , then went to school . Lalala . Read newspaper . Then is LA . Haishh . 2 period . Sometimes seriously boring luhhs . Hehs . Then did comprehension ! Then i answered question ! Wooohoooos ! Teacher give me chocolate :P Then did the composition . Lalala . Then i ate the chocolate . Hahs . It was snickers :X Inside got egg+nuts ! x_x I am so dead if my parents found out that i ate it :D But i could not resist ! & so i ate :DDDDD Hehe . Then went to recess . Thhen i bought egg sandwhich . I was like "OMFG ! I JUST ATE A CHOCOLATE WHICH HAS NUTS AND EGG ! AND NOW I ATE AN EGG SANDWHICH ! " Omfg . I am really so dead . Hehs . But currently my wound did not have any response to it O_O Lols . Better then :D Yesterday ate Kinder Bueno , had nuts and today... Which means its DOUBLE OF NUTS & DOUBLE OF EGG ! x_x Okayys . Lets get back to the story ! ;D Then after that went up . Then is Maths . Omg . I really hate sitting at the back . I dont even understand a single word what Mr Goh is teaching ._. Then when Mr Goh come to my table when i drawing the polygons i just pretend that i looking at the questions and then hide the books . LOLS ! Hehes . (: Then is Science . Lols . Went to the front . Finally understand what the teacher talking about . -.-! Thanks to Jansen ! :DDDD Lols . Last time used to hate him so much , but now like him so much . :X Lols . Okayys . Then no assembly , stayed in class . Mr Goh said Mdm Santhi is feeling unwell ! D; GET WELL SOON MDM SANTHI ! :D Hehs . Then we watch one movie . About a lawyer telling lies . Lols . Then came out those pictures which arent supposed to come out . Then those perverts keep shouting . -.-! Then after school . Went to library with Jing Xue , Yong Soon & Jeannie ! :DDDD Cause i asked Jing Xue to teach me how to draw the polygons . Hehs . THANK YOU JING XUE ! XDDD Blehhs . Then the 3 idiots came in . Then dododo . Then Jeannie went home first . Then dododo . Then Bevan come disturb my eraser . Seriously , my eraser had been disfigured ! My eraser's soul will sure haunt Bevan . (: Then the last question so hard . I dont know how to do . Then Jing Xue & Yong Soon went home first . Then left me alone . So no one to asked . Had no choice but to keep and wait for tomorrow :D Then packed . Going to pack finish le . Then the 3 idiots came to disturb . -.-! Then i want to go out of the library they dont let ?! Wtf . Who are you sia ? -.-! Then when the 'leader' havent come out , i took his bag and place it at one corner . Hahas . Then the 3 idiots came out . Wth ?! They stop me ! Then pull my bag ! Then they pull my Minnie Mouse . Omfg . Then played monkey with them... -.-! They're childish enough . Thats why i dont wanna mention their name to embarrass them . Then finally got teacher came . The teacher face look like dont want to care like that -.-! Then the teacher helped and finally got back my Minnie Mouse :D Then faster run down . Lols . The 3 idiots went to the hiding place of their leader's bag THREE TIMES ! They did not even notice . Lols . So faster ran down . Im afraid they would notice && chase after me . -.-! To those 3 idiots . Im not dumb . Im acting dumb . Then bought cheesefries . && saw the bus came and so run again . -.-! Then went home . I take out the plaster . Omfg . The cottons stuck into my wound ! Yuckks ! But i think it did help . O_O It took out the yellow thingy :D Hehs . I finally remembered the name . Its ULCER . Is it ? o.O Lols . Okayys . When i took out the cotton from my wound , the ulcer followed out ! Yuckks ! Ok . Then bathed . Then on lappy :D Then chat & play . Then eat dinner . && here i am ! :) Okayys . Byes !
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Hellos :) Homeworks . & Blablahhs
Heylooos , if you guyys saw my picture in his blog . I wont give a damn . Coz i know that picture sucks :)
Lols ! Webcammed with Eldon , nice right ? :)

Heres the proof ! :P
Hellos :DDDD Lets start . Today morning . BlahhBlahhs . Then went to school . Saw Jansen & Eldon . Went up with them . Then D&T . Went down to take D&T stuffs . Mr Goh never give me pass . -.-! I see Mr Kwan coming up from the same staircase as me i faster run to the another staircase . -.-! Then went up . Yeahh yeahhs . Whatever ~ D&T . Do pratical more fun :) Then after that was Science . Teacher . I dont even understand a single thing that you had teached us . -.-! I bet the class too . Then recess . Hahas . Eat :PPPP Then went up Maths . Got homework . && Yeahhs , just now waiting for bus , Shawn put my Maths Textbook into Yong Soon's bag . Then going home i forget to take back from Yong Soon ! -.-! How am i suppose to do my homework now ?! -.-! Okayys . Back to the story :) Then after Maths was LA . Go throught . Whatever . Lols . Then forget do what ;X Just remember do the worksheets all :DDDD Hahs . Then after that is IH . Then while waiting for teacher , that damn Eldon came to mess my hair ?! Just wth did i do dude ? ;O && Homework agains . Tomorrow to pass it up . ;O Then after that went to buy kinder bueno ! :D Then i eating 3/4 of the last stick already . Then i remembered . Kinder Bueno got nuts :X I cant eat nuts when my wound is in that kind of state ! :X Then board bus with Wen Fang , Yong Soon , Jing Xue & Shawn . Then went home . Bathed . Then blablahhs . Then on computer . Eat . BlaBlahhs . ~~~ Then play computer . Then BlaBlahhs . Ate dinner . Hahs . Ate Lychee fruits ! XD Lols . I ate all of it up by my own :X Hehs :D Then later gonna do homework . So here i am early today :) Maybe for the rest of the days for this week too :) Not sure :D Okayys . Byes :)
Hehs , sorry for the many BlaBlahhs :D
Sorry , editted .
Wei Ling told me that the Hockey Girls draw today :D
Phewws ! :'D
JiaYou JiaYou !
Goodluck in the upcoming 2 more games ! :D

Lols ! Webcammed with Eldon , nice right ? :)

Heres the proof ! :P
Hellos :DDDD Lets start . Today morning . BlahhBlahhs . Then went to school . Saw Jansen & Eldon . Went up with them . Then D&T . Went down to take D&T stuffs . Mr Goh never give me pass . -.-! I see Mr Kwan coming up from the same staircase as me i faster run to the another staircase . -.-! Then went up . Yeahh yeahhs . Whatever ~ D&T . Do pratical more fun :) Then after that was Science . Teacher . I dont even understand a single thing that you had teached us . -.-! I bet the class too . Then recess . Hahas . Eat :PPPP Then went up Maths . Got homework . && Yeahhs , just now waiting for bus , Shawn put my Maths Textbook into Yong Soon's bag . Then going home i forget to take back from Yong Soon ! -.-! How am i suppose to do my homework now ?! -.-! Okayys . Back to the story :) Then after Maths was LA . Go throught . Whatever . Lols . Then forget do what ;X Just remember do the worksheets all :DDDD Hahs . Then after that is IH . Then while waiting for teacher , that damn Eldon came to mess my hair ?! Just wth did i do dude ? ;O && Homework agains . Tomorrow to pass it up . ;O Then after that went to buy kinder bueno ! :D Then i eating 3/4 of the last stick already . Then i remembered . Kinder Bueno got nuts :X I cant eat nuts when my wound is in that kind of state ! :X Then board bus with Wen Fang , Yong Soon , Jing Xue & Shawn . Then went home . Bathed . Then blablahhs . Then on computer . Eat . BlaBlahhs . ~~~ Then play computer . Then BlaBlahhs . Ate dinner . Hahs . Ate Lychee fruits ! XD Lols . I ate all of it up by my own :X Hehs :D Then later gonna do homework . So here i am early today :) Maybe for the rest of the days for this week too :) Not sure :D Okayys . Byes :)
Hehs , sorry for the many BlaBlahhs :D
Sorry , editted .
Wei Ling told me that the Hockey Girls draw today :D
Phewws ! :'D
JiaYou JiaYou !
Goodluck in the upcoming 2 more games ! :D
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
My wound suck !

Jeannie playing :DDDD
The broken ice cream spoon
Hellos . Today morning woke up . Apply medcine onto my knee . Eww ! It was so painful okay ?! x_x Then went to school . First was Mother Tongue . Lols . Wen Fang & me talking on writing book :X Hehs :D Then was IH . Yeahhs . Talk about things . Whatever . Then recess . Eat . Hahas . Keep purposely banging onto Eldon ! Hahas ! So fuuuuuuunnnnnn ! :P Then eat finish , went up . Then music ! Woooohooooooos ! Went to music room ! XD Lols ! Ehh , i composed my own music , teacher say nice you know ?! ^^ Then played the twinkle twinle little star song ! Wooohoooos ! nice lehhs ! F3 . Hehs . Then faster rush down to D&T room . Phewws . Not late . Then whatever ~ Then so just skip to STAR . (: Yeahhs . Boring agains ! -.-! Then got Hockey Training , so went to meet the Hockey Girls ! :DDD Then they say last minute cancel o.o Ouhhs , okayys . So then just waited for Wei Ling & Mindy . Then went to buy ice cream :DDD Borrow money :P Then i eat finish le , the spoon i used my teeth to break it ? o.O Lols . Then we went 4 , Mindy , Wei Ling , Jeannie & me went to the nearby school there play hockey :DDDD So fuuuuunnnnnnn mannnnns ! Hahas , then laugh there laugh here ! XD Then after went home . Took same bus as Jeannie . Hehe :DDDD && owe alot of money manns ! D; But i must pay ! :'D Then went home . Bought ice cream agains . Lols ;X Then went home . Bath . Omfg . My wound ! Omfg . Its totally disgusting let me tell you ! x_x You dont wanna see it . Then on lappy :D Then played facebook . Finally . I played ! Then just chat chat . Whatevers ~ Then chat with Jeannie , Wei Ling , Grace & Eldon . Lols . Jeannie , Eldon & me play voice recording ! Hahas . So fun :D && So here i am ! (: I havent plurk ! x_x
Happy Birthday ZiEn ! :DDDDD
Monday, 13 July 2009
Fell down :'(
Yohhs ! Im super hyper today ! XD Lols . I dunno why ;X Then went up , read newspaper . Bla blahhs . Then P.E ! Woooohooooos !!! Yeahh yeahh yeahh ! ;D Hehs . Then went out . Take height and WHATEVER !~~~ Then needa run ! Omfg ! I am so excited ! I am so hyper ! Lols . Then guess what ? -.-! Fuck manns . I fell down ! Just what the fuck ! F5 Okayys . Im sorry for the vulgarities . Its seriously so painful alright ?! But of course . I continued to run :) It doesnt hurt O_O Lols . I bet when rinsed -.-! Then ran finished two rounds . Then went to rinse it . Okayys . It wasnt that so painful , because ! It wasnt accurately rinsed ! Hahas ! Lols ! Heyy ! But that fall did not really ruined my hyper madness mood today ! XD I guess im seriously too hyper today ._. Okayys . Then it was IH . Relief ! Phewws ! So lucky . Cause i've been busy doing other homeworks and totally cleaned forget about IH D; Okayys . Then teacher said wanna do a mindmap . Thenn in the end everybody was talking away ! Lols ! Then decided to do Maths . Omfg . It was very difficult ! Okayys . && so got help from Jing Xue ! :DDD Then dododo . Lols ! Then guess what ?! Yong Soon threw at me Wiseley's airplane . So i wanna threw back at Yong Soon . && the airplane when through the window ;X Then Wiseley & Charan start throwing more & more . -.-! Then like so excited to see ! Hahas ! XD *Erh hemms* Okayys , back to homework Maths . Omfg . I cant complete it . D: Then just took my books . && did it in the libraaaarrrryyyyy ! :) Continue . I cant complete it ! Goshh . Then it was Maths . I was rushing like running for time ! I had no choice but to _ _ _ _ . But couldnt finish it , cause im too honest ! Aww . Hehs . Boasting there . So just ignore it :P Then it was Maths . Phewws . We need not go through the homeworks . Just drew some triangles . & in the end , go through a little of them . It doesnt counts as a little actually :D Then it was Chinese ! Yeahhs ! I just did the letter writting . And im so done :) Then it was LA . Watch ET for dramas . Then Wen Fang keep laughing . Say Eldon look at me... Wen Fang . You laugh at him , of cause he look back at you and laugh mahhs ! Haiyoo... Then just watched . Then Mr Sekhar... Omfg . The Elliot was going to flyyyyyyyyyy~ with the bicycle with ET on . And wth ! The video stopped ! -.-! It was so idiotitc . D; Then end ! Then went to meet the Hockey Girls ! :D Needa training . && Jeannie did not come ! D; Then went for traning . Yeahhs . Runnn ! XD Coach did not come :'D Then walk , jog , run for 30 minutes . Then dunno why suddenly stop ? o.O But i guessed at least there were 25 minutes :D Then wanna play on the grass for Hockey . The person in charge said cannot . So we went out and played at the non-grass place ._. Lols . Then played pass . Then played game . Omfg . Seriously . I suck alot in Hockey Game ok ?! x_x Then after that follow Amiraaaaahhhhhh to Tampines Mall ! XDDDD Hahas ! So fuuuuuuunnnnnnnnn ! :P Hahas . Chat chat chat ! Then went to buy things . Think i cant say it out first or something ? O_O Lols . Okayys XDDD Then went home . Went home on computer . Chatted . Then went to bathe . Omfg . When i really rinsed that wound . Omg . The pain was totally unacceptable ! And my palm . Theres one more ! I cant close it -.-! && Most importantly my nose !!! My nose is now totally red ! Im afraid theres blood clot in there ! Or internal bleeding ! Come on ! I dont wanna die so early alrights ? D; Would you guyys pray for me ? :D Hehs . JkJk . :D But seriously , i would appreciate :) Okayys . Then ate dinner . The Mee Siam got egg . Im afraid my wound would come out that yuckky yellow thingy ? Eww ! That one was disgusting ok ! But who cares ? I dont give a damn :) So just ate it up ! :P Then ate banana . Yeahhs . One of my worries too . But who cares ? I dont give a damn :) So just ate it up ! :P Then ate computer ! Yeahhs . Im afraid i would die . But who cares ? I dont give a damn :) So just ate it up ! :P
LOL ! Okayys . Seriously , that was joking on eating up the computer okayys . Lols . && here i am ! :) Byeessssss .
To Jeannie :D
Jeannie , i seriously hope you would come tomorrow .
I really need you there for Hockey .
When you came for Hockey ,
what i felt was ,
encouragement & comfort from you .
Although you cant see the expression :D
But who would express their feelings ?
Hehs . Please come !
I wish the Hockey Girls good luck on this coming Wednesday tournament ! :D
LOL ! Okayys . Seriously , that was joking on eating up the computer okayys . Lols . && here i am ! :) Byeessssss .
To Jeannie :D
Jeannie , i seriously hope you would come tomorrow .
I really need you there for Hockey .
When you came for Hockey ,
what i felt was ,
encouragement & comfort from you .
Although you cant see the expression :D
But who would express their feelings ?
Hehs . Please come !
I wish the Hockey Girls good luck on this coming Wednesday tournament ! :D
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Tons of homework to rush for ! D;
Hellos :) Alot alot of homeworks . And so sorry for this late post . Today woke up at 12.30pm ! Lols . Then went to eat . Then did Chinese Composition . Hahas . Eldon became my Chinese dictionary ! XD Hahs . He is such a good friend :) Well . Sometimes :) Then did till 7pm ! -.-! Then ate dinner . Did Maths . Alright . Chatted Chatted Chatted . && It was 10pm ! Late enough ! So just do it tomorrow D; Rush it . Or just... *er hemm* :) And so here i am :D And gotta go ! Still in plurk ! XD Gonna sleep at 11pm and now is 10.35pm . It wont be great if i am late tomorrow . & I need energy ! :D Alrights , byes :)
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Yohh ! Umphhs , havent started doing my homework ! :x
Hellos :) Today morning woke up . Yeahhs , got a scolding from father . Alrights , i deserved that . I have not prepared my things D; Okayys , then went to school . Opps ! Im late ! So there was Mdm Santhi , Jansen , Jeannie , Benjamin & Charan . Include me ! :D && We decorated the class ! Wooohoooos ! I think it looks great ! ;D Alrights , then went home . And then went out agains . Went to take my spectacle ! XDDD Woooohoooos ! :) I took some picture , but i think it look kinda of retarded . So those who are unlucky to see . Sorry ! :D Then walked kinda of giddy O_O Lols , okayys . Then went to eat . Ate satay ! :P Then walked . Unfortunately , my mother told me the skinnies have to be bought on other days ! Omfg . My heart is so aching ! Hahs . Hey ! Im just joking alrights ? :) Then just walked around . And went home ! :) Then eat fruits :D And yesterday was a special occasion ! And i didnt remembered ! :'( So , today . Celebrated ! :) And so ate :DDD And thenns just gonna on computer .
Gonna do homework ,
Play Audition ,
&& eat Macs later on ! :)
Gonna do homework ,
Play Audition ,
&& eat Macs later on ! :)
Friday, 10 July 2009
I walked under the rain today . Gonna fall sick soon !
Hellos :DDD Lets start . This morning went to school . Saw Eldon . Wow ! Am i really that late ?! -.-! Then went up to class . Saw baobeii there ! :DDD Then came MT . Hahas . I did the composition . I think its gonna be a great one ! Yeahh ! :DDD Then it was Science . The relief teacher came agains . Did the worksheets . Then Shawn inmitate about the Mr.Bean things ! HAHHAHAH ! I WAS LAUGHING LIKE A CRAZY GIRL . I kept banging the table :X Hahas . Then was recess . Ate . Then went up . And it was Art . The teacher really guailan manns . Dunno whether is see me buay song or what . -.-! Then drew my Minnie Mouse ! :DDD Wei Shan give me as birthday present ! ^^ I think i drew quite nice ? O_O Hey Hey Hey ! Jeannie's one was nicer than mine ! Then Maths . Yeahhs , did worksheet . Then after that went home with Yong Soon . Then Robin got all wet ! -.-! Then Yong Soon also . Lols . Then went down the bus . I was thinking : "Since it is the last day of school , why not just get wet ?!" :DDDD And just put my umbrella inside my bag :) And walked under the rain ! Woooohooooos ! One of my personal wish is granted ! XD Yeahhs ! Got all wet ! Total wet ! DRENCHED ! And so went home , bathed . These rains have acids though ;X Then on lappy . Then sleep ! Hoooooooooooooooooooooos ! Finally have a good rest ! -.-! From 3pm slept to 7pm O_O Lol . Then eat dinner . Chat . And here i am ! ;D Alright , byes :)
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Was laughing the whole day :)

Hehs , reflection :DDDD

Lols , i love these ! XDD But then my face kana cut ! x_x

LOL ! She closed her eyes when i took ! Hahas !
Goddess ! Jeannie got cancer ! :'( Choy Choy ! Touch wood ! -.-! Lols , she cut her hair ! LOL ! Btws , so obvious that those hair has been cut .
Hellos :D Okayys , lets start ;D Today went to school . Went to class . And then it was LA ! Yeahhs . Hahas . FunFunFun~ :) But kinda of siann . 4 period !!! RAAAAWWWWWWRRRRRRS ! Then it was recess . Did not eat , just drank vitasoy and panda strawberries from Jeannie :D Then was Maths . Alright alright . Gonna do the presentation about the Triangles Maths Project . My group were the last one to present you see . And then , these were the boys who were asking && asking --- Jansen , Wiseley , Bevan & Eldon . Omfg . I hate them today ! So much -.-! They just ruined our presentation ! I can see Mr Goh's unsatisfied face D; But then when i remembered how they asked the questions , i just laughed . o.O Am i a weirdo ? Or maybe i truly am ? Hahs . Then came Science . Teacher came as relief . Then did the worksheet . Just dododo . Then listen to Shawn's joke . Omfg ! They were damn funny ! Then Jeannie , Shawn , Jing Xue , Yong Soon & me were like laughing till our jaws dropped ! Hahas ! Shawn's joke can really make me laugh till muscles cramp :) And then since there was no assembly . Form teacher came in . Did the Orange Ribbon , folded stars :D Gonna have class tee ! Wooots ! XD But its either pink or green D; But its alright with me :] Then after that went to buy bubble tea . Then went to Jeannie's house :DDDD Hahs . Played computer . Webcammed Brandon & Eldon . And i was just only gonna tag . AND JEANNIE PRESS THE GO BUTTON !!! Omfg . And currently , Eldon is telling me that she is blaming him . Yeahhs . Sorry D; Then Jeannie cut her hair ?! Omfg , not cut short really . Was playing . Lols . Pictures on top ! ;D And then went home . Eat KFC ! Wooooots !~ :DDD Hehes . && here i am ! :DDD Okayys , byes ! :)
Did not sleep enough this days .
My eyes are red !
Sleepy .
Would always have a runny nose in the morning !:'(
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
HomeworkHomework .
Hellos . These few days have so many homework ehy ? Just finished watching Michael Jackson News :DDDD
Im very touch by Michael Jackson's daughter , Paris Jackson . What inspires me was she was only 11 years old , and she have the courage to make a short speech infront of the whole universe . Although it was a short speech , but i can sense there was a great sincerity from her . Just one short sentence of "I loved him so much" had made me dropped tears . This has been a great impact on her . I think she deserves my respect :D I hope , maybe , Paris Jackson , will have the wish of becoming a famous singer just like her father , Michael Jackson :)
Rest In Peace ,
Michael Jackson
R.I.P ,
1958-2009 ,
25 June , 2009
Hehs . Although im not his fan , but i do feel sad when a big pop hit icon idol had passed away D; Alright . That was my message to Michael Jackson & Paris Jackson :) Okayys , today went to school . D&T . Boring D; Just sleeping , and teacher was noticing :X Then after that was Science . Whatever . I can just fail for this year's Science . Zzz . Then it was recess . Grace & Jeannie did not came . Imagine how boring would it be for two people , Wen Fang & me to eat together only . So hungry , and bought 3 eggsandwhich ! Hahs . Then was Maths . Hahs . Finally , long time no have Mr Goh teach us Maths :DDDD But Mr Goh was angry cause no people did the quiz . D; Then it came to Literature . Alright . It was alright :DDDD Then came IH . Alright . It was alright too :) Then after that went home . Bathed . On computer . Went into Audition with Eldon . Omfg . He is such a noob in Audition ? :O Then went out . Went to watch Michael Jackon's Last Goodbye :) May he rest in peace :) And eat dinner . Continued to watch . And here i am ! :D Okayys , bye ! ;D
Im very touch by Michael Jackson's daughter , Paris Jackson . What inspires me was she was only 11 years old , and she have the courage to make a short speech infront of the whole universe . Although it was a short speech , but i can sense there was a great sincerity from her . Just one short sentence of "I loved him so much" had made me dropped tears . This has been a great impact on her . I think she deserves my respect :D I hope , maybe , Paris Jackson , will have the wish of becoming a famous singer just like her father , Michael Jackson :)
Rest In Peace ,
Michael Jackson
R.I.P ,
1958-2009 ,
25 June , 2009
Hehs . Although im not his fan , but i do feel sad when a big pop hit icon idol had passed away D; Alright . That was my message to Michael Jackson & Paris Jackson :) Okayys , today went to school . D&T . Boring D; Just sleeping , and teacher was noticing :X Then after that was Science . Whatever . I can just fail for this year's Science . Zzz . Then it was recess . Grace & Jeannie did not came . Imagine how boring would it be for two people , Wen Fang & me to eat together only . So hungry , and bought 3 eggsandwhich ! Hahs . Then was Maths . Hahs . Finally , long time no have Mr Goh teach us Maths :DDDD But Mr Goh was angry cause no people did the quiz . D; Then it came to Literature . Alright . It was alright :DDDD Then came IH . Alright . It was alright too :) Then after that went home . Bathed . On computer . Went into Audition with Eldon . Omfg . He is such a noob in Audition ? :O Then went out . Went to watch Michael Jackon's Last Goodbye :) May he rest in peace :) And eat dinner . Continued to watch . And here i am ! :D Okayys , bye ! ;D
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Comedy ._.
Hellos :) Yesterday stay up late just to create my comedy blog ! Hahas ! Okayys , am i lame enough ? D: Lols , it says there "laugh till mad" I doubt you'll laugh x_x D; And yesterday forgot to plurk !!! :'( Aww , that was sad though :'( Okayys , lets start . Today went to school . Lalala . Woooohooooooos ! Mr Goh is back ! *ClapsClaps* :) Then FTT . Lalala . Then was Mother Tongue . Spelling i got 1/10 ! I pro right ? :P Then came IH . Haishh... Sometimes i feel that Term 2 teachers just suckks ! (some of them) Maybe i just dont know them well :D Not even 2 weeks :x . Hahs . (: Okayys . Then recess . Then eat . Then went back . Was music ! It was boring at first ! x_x Then thinking of just playing sitting at the back . Then went to Music Room ! :DDD Woooots ! XDDD Cold Cold :DDD Then was like so boring x_x So decided to just listen to teacher teach :) The others and behind chatting :DDD Then got quite alot listen la :DDD Then teacher play piano ! OMFG ! IT WAS FANTASTIC ! XDDD Applause peeps ! :) Then D&T Alright . Did not bring textbook D: Then whatever . Then STARS Lesson . Thinking of decorating the board ! Zzz -.-! Must do the Singapore things . Okayys . So did . And end ! Then went to buy things . Then took bus with Jeannie & Shawn :DDD Then Wei Ling called me . Said today have training ?! Omfg . They say they got sms . I never receive :( Okayys , then she said neverminds . So take bus go home le . Then walk walk . I was kinda lost o.O Lols . But still got out :) And thenn saw one guy . He was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :DDD Hehes . Okayys . Then went home . Bathed . On computer :DDDD Not havent even done my homework :X Heeees . So just continued to do my Comedy Blog . Hahs . \: Then do and do . I did till it was 5pm ! Goshh . I didnt knew that it would be that fast :O Then eat dinner . Eat dessert :P Then play play . And here i am ! :) Okayys . Byes ;D
Monday, 6 July 2009
Hellos :)

Hellos ! Yesterday had a damn funny conversation with Eldon ! Hahas ! He at there scolding , i at here laughing like mad ! Gagas ! The conversation is on top of this post ! ;D Okayys , today woke up at 9am . Went to bath . Then i told Eldon . Today's battle at 11am . And wth ?! He give excuses . Bla bla bla . And off he goes with his lousy excuses :O Then on Facebook . Play Play . Then went to Audition . Heyy , let me tell your hurhhs , my Audition skills are really awsome ! (boasting ! :P) Yeaa ? ;D Then played one round . Yay ! Finally , i complete one mission ! I was so happy dude ! ;D And i was second ! :DDD The bpm was quite fast O_O The picture is on top ! ;D Okayys , then play play . Then eat dinner . Watch "Glittering Days" !!! Woooooohooooooos ! I WILL MISS THAT SHOW !!! :'( Anyone could help me buy that CD ? :DDD Thenns ending was so touching ! :'D Then nothing le . So here i am ! ;D
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Hello , nothing . && Jeannie told me she cant go to K-Box tomorrow ! :'(
Hellos ! :) Sad case boy ! Jeannie cant make it for tomorrow's K-Box ! :'( Sobs . Okayys , lets start :] Today woke up , bathed . Ate Tokoyaki Octopus agains ! XDDD Haaaahhs . (: Went to audition ! Hahas ! Im so pro ! :PPP Cause my skills suddenly shoot up ! O_O Thats a miracle ;X Heh . Okayys , then nothing to do . Boring ! :O By the ways , can anybody tell me how am i suppose to celebrate tomorrow's Youth Day ? D: Its so boring :x Because tomorrow's activity was cancelled O: Or should i just rot at home with my lappy ? :( Yeahh , okayys . Then eat dinner . Muahaha ! Ordered pizza ! :P Then eat ! Keke :DDDD Then played Audition agains Then there was this girl . Omfg . She was like so arrogant and boasting ?! x_x I played with her CC8 nevermind already . She still say play Crazy Battle Freestyle . Okayys , i agree to it . Then ! She keep doing stunts and boasting ?! -.-! She did the stunts and keep saying "there . there . there . See , i am the pro la !" Omfg . Who could stand her ?! #$%#&%$*$%^# Tell her to get a life -.-! Then got two guy came in , then i faster exit the room O_O Am i cruel ? Hahs ! Doubt so :/ Then audition all the way . And here i am ! :) Okayys , byeesssss ! :]
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Hello :DDD
Booooooooorrrriiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggg in the bus :O

I was boring and so just took some pictures of photography :)

I was boring and so just took some pictures of photography :)
YOH YOH YOH ! XDDDD My new spectacle lehh ! F3
Hellos ! :DDD Okayys , lets start . Today woke up , watch TV . Then went to eat , was sooooo boring in the bus ! x_x And sooooooo...............................Took some pictures ! :DDDD Lols , its on yop ! ;D && YES ! MADE MY NEW SPECTACLE LE ! ^^ OMFG ! NEXT TUESDAY TAKE ! IM SO HAPPY ! TUESDAY ONE WISH WOULD BE FUFILED ! XDDDD Heeeees :D Okayys , then went to Grandma's house :DDD Then chat chat , play play . Woooooooots !~ Eat durian ! XDDD Finally i ate durians ! :DDD Long time no eat le kayys ? :] Okays , then chat chat play play agains . Play computer for awhile , then eat laksa ! Woot woot ! XDDD Okayys , then went home . Then on lappy :'D Then did the 2 quizzes ! Omfg , last minute D: Okayys , then watch TV , chat . And here i am ! :] Kayys , bye ! :DDD
Friday, 3 July 2009
Dentist !

Seriously , Eldon is such a noob in Audition ! -.-!
Hello Hello :DDD Lets start peepos ! Okayys , today morning wake up , went to school , went to class . Talk about class decoration . Thenns umph umph... is Chinese . Finally bought the workbook and textbook ! Phewws . Okayys , then do do do do . Then came Science . Then Jeannie came back from dentist ! O_O Then my turn :DDDD So went down . Then went in , the dentist ask me "Ehh ! You from East Spring Primary right ?! " Lols , then i said yes . Wow ! I do remember her ! :DDDD Im so touched ! She still remember me manns ! :'D Okayys , then waited till recess ! :'( Thenn do do . Dentist say my teeth at the back got hole ? WTF !!! So just put the medcine . But she said my teeth is nice ! *Sparke!~~~* Hahas ! Okayys , then when i do finish , recess over ! Sobs ! I havent eat nehh ! Then faster went back to class . Art ! o.O And i find the teacher... Umphhs... Maybe dunno her so much yett ? Hehhs . Then i was like asking Jeannie to accompany meto canteen to buy food . We two ask teacher . Wahh ! Who knows , Mr Kwan suddenly come worhh ! o.O Lols , then Jeannie no want . So i went down my own . F.Y.I Get it right . I asked Mr Kwan . Then reached downstairs , suay suay Mdm Santha at there -.-! Then she ask then just answer lo ! My conscious is clear ! F3 Hahas , okayys . Then Mr Kwan give me 15minute , she give me 10minute ! -.-! Okayys , then just eat biscuit then chiong upp . Then do the Maths Paper 2 ! OMFG ! IT WAS SOOOO DIFFICULT OKAYYS ?! X_X Okayys , then dismissed . Jeannie and me went to canteen . I bought food first , still hungry ! I morning only had two sips of chocolate milk ! x_x Then went to wait for Jeannie's mother . Then eat and drink . Then Jeannie go le . I went to ask Jansen , next Monday go K-Box !~~~ Wooooots ! So we're really going this time alrights ?! (: Just that its like no people wanna go ! So asking yeaa ?! :DDDD Then went home , went to bus stop ! OMFG ! TAMPINES NORTH PRIMARY INVAVDED THE WHOLE BUS STOP ! %^&$%^#%*^$ Lols . Okayys . Kidding luhhs ! But alot of Tampines North-ian at there ! -.-! Okayys , then went home . Bathed . Then on computer . Play Play Play . Chat Chat Chat . And guess what ?! O_O Went to Audition with Eldon , AND HE WAS SHOWING OFF WHO'S PRO AND WHO'S NOOB ! SO I SHOWED TO HIM ! I AM THE PRO , HE'S THE NOOB ! ELDON , WANNA COMPETE ME , THINK AGAIN BAR ! Muahahaha ! The picture is on top ! ;D Hahas ! XDDDD Then login-ed old account . Oh yeaas ! FINALLY MY OLD ACCOUNT CAN LOGIN LE ! ^^ Did i made this announcement to you guys before ? o.O No right ? Okayys ^^ Then login-ed old account... Omfg , 91 emails not read !!! Im so lazy ! Okayys , how i login-ed into my old account was like that..........................................
One day , Liyana wanted to add more friends in Facebook . Then she saw her email was her old account that she thought that she had totally forgotten the password . And then , she thought to herself "Aiya ! Already lost the password le ! Can do what ?! Anyhow estimate like last time la !" And her computer was lagging , and so she thought that she failed because the screen came out blank . Then the screen came out all of her MSN friends !!! She was shocked ! Liyana was sooooo happy that she went super hyper-high on that day .
End of story ! :DDDDD
Continue of post ! :) Then checked inbox ! OMFG ! Realise that there is 5 quizzes waiting for me in Ace Learning !!! OMFG !!! Then did 3 , since due date is tomorrow ! Hehes ! Okayys , then went down to buy dinner . Blahh Blahhs . Then watch TV ! omfg !!! Monday is the "Glittering Days" last episode !!! I MUST BE BEFORE 7PM REACH HOME ! Okayys , then after that play computer agains . Then chat chat . The here i am ! :DDDDD Okayys ! Byeesss ! :]

Seriously , Eldon is such a noob in Audition ! -.-!
Hello Hello :DDD Lets start peepos ! Okayys , today morning wake up , went to school , went to class . Talk about class decoration . Thenns umph umph... is Chinese . Finally bought the workbook and textbook ! Phewws . Okayys , then do do do do . Then came Science . Then Jeannie came back from dentist ! O_O Then my turn :DDDD So went down . Then went in , the dentist ask me "Ehh ! You from East Spring Primary right ?! " Lols , then i said yes . Wow ! I do remember her ! :DDDD Im so touched ! She still remember me manns ! :'D Okayys , then waited till recess ! :'( Thenn do do . Dentist say my teeth at the back got hole ? WTF !!! So just put the medcine . But she said my teeth is nice ! *Sparke!~~~* Hahas ! Okayys , then when i do finish , recess over ! Sobs ! I havent eat nehh ! Then faster went back to class . Art ! o.O And i find the teacher... Umphhs... Maybe dunno her so much yett ? Hehhs . Then i was like asking Jeannie to accompany meto canteen to buy food . We two ask teacher . Wahh ! Who knows , Mr Kwan suddenly come worhh ! o.O Lols , then Jeannie no want . So i went down my own . F.Y.I Get it right . I asked Mr Kwan . Then reached downstairs , suay suay Mdm Santha at there -.-! Then she ask then just answer lo ! My conscious is clear ! F3 Hahas , okayys . Then Mr Kwan give me 15minute , she give me 10minute ! -.-! Okayys , then just eat biscuit then chiong upp . Then do the Maths Paper 2 ! OMFG ! IT WAS SOOOO DIFFICULT OKAYYS ?! X_X Okayys , then dismissed . Jeannie and me went to canteen . I bought food first , still hungry ! I morning only had two sips of chocolate milk ! x_x Then went to wait for Jeannie's mother . Then eat and drink . Then Jeannie go le . I went to ask Jansen , next Monday go K-Box !~~~ Wooooots ! So we're really going this time alrights ?! (: Just that its like no people wanna go ! So asking yeaa ?! :DDDD Then went home , went to bus stop ! OMFG ! TAMPINES NORTH PRIMARY INVAVDED THE WHOLE BUS STOP ! %^&$%^#%*^$ Lols . Okayys . Kidding luhhs ! But alot of Tampines North-ian at there ! -.-! Okayys , then went home . Bathed . Then on computer . Play Play Play . Chat Chat Chat . And guess what ?! O_O Went to Audition with Eldon , AND HE WAS SHOWING OFF WHO'S PRO AND WHO'S NOOB ! SO I SHOWED TO HIM ! I AM THE PRO , HE'S THE NOOB ! ELDON , WANNA COMPETE ME , THINK AGAIN BAR ! Muahahaha ! The picture is on top ! ;D Hahas ! XDDDD Then login-ed old account . Oh yeaas ! FINALLY MY OLD ACCOUNT CAN LOGIN LE ! ^^ Did i made this announcement to you guys before ? o.O No right ? Okayys ^^ Then login-ed old account... Omfg , 91 emails not read !!! Im so lazy ! Okayys , how i login-ed into my old account was like that..........................................
One day , Liyana wanted to add more friends in Facebook . Then she saw her email was her old account that she thought that she had totally forgotten the password . And then , she thought to herself "Aiya ! Already lost the password le ! Can do what ?! Anyhow estimate like last time la !" And her computer was lagging , and so she thought that she failed because the screen came out blank . Then the screen came out all of her MSN friends !!! She was shocked ! Liyana was sooooo happy that she went super hyper-high on that day .
End of story ! :DDDDD
Continue of post ! :) Then checked inbox ! OMFG ! Realise that there is 5 quizzes waiting for me in Ace Learning !!! OMFG !!! Then did 3 , since due date is tomorrow ! Hehes ! Okayys , then went down to buy dinner . Blahh Blahhs . Then watch TV ! omfg !!! Monday is the "Glittering Days" last episode !!! I MUST BE BEFORE 7PM REACH HOME ! Okayys , then after that play computer agains . Then chat chat . The here i am ! :DDDDD Okayys ! Byeesss ! :]
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