Jeannie playing :DDDD
The broken ice cream spoon
Hellos . Today morning woke up . Apply medcine onto my knee . Eww ! It was so painful okay ?! x_x Then went to school . First was Mother Tongue . Lols . Wen Fang & me talking on writing book :X Hehs :D Then was IH . Yeahhs . Talk about things . Whatever . Then recess . Eat . Hahas . Keep purposely banging onto Eldon ! Hahas ! So fuuuuuuunnnnnn ! :P Then eat finish , went up . Then music ! Woooohooooooos ! Went to music room ! XD Lols ! Ehh , i composed my own music , teacher say nice you know ?! ^^ Then played the twinkle twinle little star song ! Wooohoooos ! nice lehhs ! F3 . Hehs . Then faster rush down to D&T room . Phewws . Not late . Then whatever ~ Then so just skip to STAR . (: Yeahhs . Boring agains ! -.-! Then got Hockey Training , so went to meet the Hockey Girls ! :DDD Then they say last minute cancel o.o Ouhhs , okayys . So then just waited for Wei Ling & Mindy . Then went to buy ice cream :DDD Borrow money :P Then i eat finish le , the spoon i used my teeth to break it ? o.O Lols . Then we went 4 , Mindy , Wei Ling , Jeannie & me went to the nearby school there play hockey :DDDD So fuuuuunnnnnnn mannnnns ! Hahas , then laugh there laugh here ! XD Then after went home . Took same bus as Jeannie . Hehe :DDDD && owe alot of money manns ! D; But i must pay ! :'D Then went home . Bought ice cream agains . Lols ;X Then went home . Bath . Omfg . My wound ! Omfg . Its totally disgusting let me tell you ! x_x You dont wanna see it . Then on lappy :D Then played facebook . Finally . I played ! Then just chat chat . Whatevers ~ Then chat with Jeannie , Wei Ling , Grace & Eldon . Lols . Jeannie , Eldon & me play voice recording ! Hahas . So fun :D && So here i am ! (: I havent plurk ! x_x
Happy Birthday ZiEn ! :DDDDD
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