Seriously , Eldon is such a noob in Audition ! -.-!
Hello Hello :DDD Lets start peepos ! Okayys , today morning wake up , went to school , went to class . Talk about class decoration . Thenns umph umph... is Chinese . Finally bought the workbook and textbook ! Phewws . Okayys , then do do do do . Then came Science . Then Jeannie came back from dentist ! O_O Then my turn :DDDD So went down . Then went in , the dentist ask me "Ehh ! You from East Spring Primary right ?! " Lols , then i said yes . Wow ! I do remember her ! :DDDD Im so touched ! She still remember me manns ! :'D Okayys , then waited till recess ! :'( Thenn do do . Dentist say my teeth at the back got hole ? WTF !!! So just put the medcine . But she said my teeth is nice ! *Sparke!~~~* Hahas ! Okayys , then when i do finish , recess over ! Sobs ! I havent eat nehh ! Then faster went back to class . Art ! o.O And i find the teacher... Umphhs... Maybe dunno her so much yett ? Hehhs . Then i was like asking Jeannie to accompany meto canteen to buy food . We two ask teacher . Wahh ! Who knows , Mr Kwan suddenly come worhh ! o.O Lols , then Jeannie no want . So i went down my own . F.Y.I Get it right . I asked Mr Kwan . Then reached downstairs , suay suay Mdm Santha at there -.-! Then she ask then just answer lo ! My conscious is clear ! F3 Hahas , okayys . Then Mr Kwan give me 15minute , she give me 10minute ! -.-! Okayys , then just eat biscuit then chiong upp . Then do the Maths Paper 2 ! OMFG ! IT WAS SOOOO DIFFICULT OKAYYS ?! X_X Okayys , then dismissed . Jeannie and me went to canteen . I bought food first , still hungry ! I morning only had two sips of chocolate milk ! x_x Then went to wait for Jeannie's mother . Then eat and drink . Then Jeannie go le . I went to ask Jansen , next Monday go K-Box !~~~ Wooooots ! So we're really going this time alrights ?! (: Just that its like no people wanna go ! So asking yeaa ?! :DDDD Then went home , went to bus stop ! OMFG ! TAMPINES NORTH PRIMARY INVAVDED THE WHOLE BUS STOP ! %^&$%^#%*^$ Lols . Okayys . Kidding luhhs ! But alot of Tampines North-ian at there ! -.-! Okayys , then went home . Bathed . Then on computer . Play Play Play . Chat Chat Chat . And guess what ?! O_O Went to Audition with Eldon , AND HE WAS SHOWING OFF WHO'S PRO AND WHO'S NOOB ! SO I SHOWED TO HIM ! I AM THE PRO , HE'S THE NOOB ! ELDON , WANNA COMPETE ME , THINK AGAIN BAR ! Muahahaha ! The picture is on top ! ;D Hahas ! XDDDD Then login-ed old account . Oh yeaas ! FINALLY MY OLD ACCOUNT CAN LOGIN LE ! ^^ Did i made this announcement to you guys before ? o.O No right ? Okayys ^^ Then login-ed old account... Omfg , 91 emails not read !!! Im so lazy ! Okayys , how i login-ed into my old account was like that..........................................
One day , Liyana wanted to add more friends in Facebook . Then she saw her email was her old account that she thought that she had totally forgotten the password . And then , she thought to herself "Aiya ! Already lost the password le ! Can do what ?! Anyhow estimate like last time la !" And her computer was lagging , and so she thought that she failed because the screen came out blank . Then the screen came out all of her MSN friends !!! She was shocked ! Liyana was sooooo happy that she went super hyper-high on that day .
End of story ! :DDDDD
Continue of post ! :) Then checked inbox ! OMFG ! Realise that there is 5 quizzes waiting for me in Ace Learning !!! OMFG !!! Then did 3 , since due date is tomorrow ! Hehes ! Okayys , then went down to buy dinner . Blahh Blahhs . Then watch TV ! omfg !!! Monday is the "Glittering Days" last episode !!! I MUST BE BEFORE 7PM REACH HOME ! Okayys , then after that play computer agains . Then chat chat . The here i am ! :DDDDD Okayys ! Byeesss ! :]
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